Wave Front Engineering in Systems with Loss and Disorder

Project Acronym Projekt Kurzbezeichnung
Project Title (de) Projekttitel (de)
Wave Front Engineering in Systems with Loss and Disorder
Project Title (en) Projekttitel (en)
Wave Front Engineering in Systems with Loss and Disorder
Consortium Coordinator Koordinator des Konsortiums
Principal Investigator Projektleiter_in
Funder/Funding Agency Fördergeber
FWF Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF)
Grant number Förderkennnummer
P 32300-N27


Results 1-20 of 25 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthors / EditorsTitleTypeIssue Date
1Rachbauer, Lukas Michael ; Bouchet, Dorian ; Leonhardt, Ulf ; Rotter, Stefan The Quantum Wigner-Smith Operator: Micromanipulation, Metrology and Vacuum ForcesPresentation Vortrag21-Jun-2023
2Rotter, Stefan Customizing disordered media and the wave fields passing through them for optimized transmissionPresentation Vortrag19-Jun-2023
3Rotter, Stefan Fisher information in scattering problems and neural networksPresentation Vortrag12-Jun-2023
4Rotter, Stefan Particle levitation and Fisher informationPresentation Vortrag17-May-2023
5Rotter, Stefan ; Hüpfl, Jakob ; Russo, Felix ; Rachbauer, Lukas Michael ; Kuhl, U. ; Lu, J. ; Bouchet, D. A Continuity Equation for the Flow of Fisher Information in Electromagnetic ScatteringPresentation Vortrag10-May-2023
6Rotter, Stefan Light at Critical Coupling: From Exceptional Points to Perfect Absorption and Transmission in Complex MediaPresentation Vortrag8-May-2023
7Rotter, Stefan Fisher information in scattering problems and neural networksPresentation Vortrag14-Apr-2023
8Rachbauer, Lukas Michael ; Bouchet, Dorian ; Leonhardt, Ulf ; Rotter, Stefan The Quantum Wigner-Smith Operator: Micromanipulation, Metrology and Vacuum ForcesPresentation Vortrag30-Mar-2023
9Diekmann, Oliver ; Krimer, Dmitry ; Rotter, Stefan Ultrafast excitation exchange in a Maxwell-Fish-Eye lensPresentation Vortrag29-Mar-2023
10Rotter, Stefan Coherent perfect absorption and transmission in disordered mediaPresentation Vortrag20-Mar-2023
11Rotter, Stefan Coherent perfect absorption and transmission of light with arbitrary wavefrontsPresentation Vortrag17-Mar-2023
12Diekmann, Oliver ; Krimer, Dmitry ; Rotter, Stefan Ultrafast excitation exchange in multimode cavitiesPresentation Vortrag6-Mar-2023
13Hüpfl, Jakob ; Bachelard, Nicolas ; Kaczvinszki, Markus ; Horodynski, Michael ; Kühmayer, Matthias ; Rotter, Stefan Optimal Cooling of Multiple Levitated Particles through Far-Field Wavefront ShapingArticle Artikel 24-Feb-2023
14Hüpfl, Jakob ; Bachelard, Nicolas ; Kaczvinszki, Markus ; Horodynski, Michael ; Kühmayer, Matthias ; Rotter, Stefan Optimal cooling of multiple levitated particles: Theory of far-field wavefront shapingArticle Artikel Feb-2023
15Rotter, Stefan Blackbody radiation and the Weyl law in disordered mediaPresentation VortragJan-2023
16Rachbauer, Lukas Michael The Quantum Wigner-Smith Operator: Micromanipulation, Metrology and Vacuum ForcesPresentation Vortrag16-Nov-2022
17Diekmann, Oliver ; Lentrodt, Dominik ; Evers, Jörg Inverse design in nuclear quantum optics: From artificial x-ray multilevel schemes to spectral observablesArticle Artikel 1-Nov-2022
18Rotter, Stefan Coherent perfect absorption and transmission of arbitrary wavefrontsPresentation Vortrag25-Oct-2022
19Rotter, Stefan Transforming space with non-Hermitian dielectricsPresentation Vortrag6-Oct-2022
20Rotter, Stefan How to build a perfect trap for lightPresentation Vortrag22-Sep-2022