Radiation Dose Mapping Onboard Columbus

Project Acronym Projekt Kurzbezeichnung
Project Title (de) Projekttitel (de)
Radiation Dose Mapping Onboard Columbus
Project Title (en) Projekttitel (en)
Radiation Dose Mapping Onboard Columbus
Consortium Coordinator Koordinator des Konsortiums
Principal Investigator Projektleiter_in
Funder/Funding Agency Fördergeber
FFG - Österr. Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH
Grant number Förderkennnummer

Results 1-8 of 8 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthors / EditorsTitleTypeIssue Date
1Hofstätter, Christina ; Hajek, Michael ; Berger, Thomas ; Körner, C. ; Reitz, G. Radiation dose mapping in the European Columbus Laboratory of the International Space StationPräsentation Presentation2012
2Hofstätter, Christina ; Hajek, Michael ; Berger, Thomas ; Körner, C. ; Reitz, G. Monitoring of radiation exposure in the European Columbus laboratory of the International Space StationPräsentation Presentation2012
3Berger, Thomas ; Hajek, Michael ; Bilski, Pawel ; Körner, Christine ; Vanhavere, Filip ; Reitz, Günther Cosmic radiation exposure of biological test systems during the EXPOSE-E missionArtikel Article2012
4Hajek, Michael ; STUK-Radiat. Nucl. Saf. Auth. Radiation exposure of space and aircrewKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2011
5Berger, Thomas ; Hajek, Michael ; Bilski, P. ; Körner, C. ; Horwacik, T. ; Vanhavere, F. ; Reitz, G. Measurements of the dose due to ionizing radiation within the EXPOSE-E and EXPOSE-R experiment applying passive radiation detectorsPräsentation Presentation2011
6Berger, Thomas ; Reitz, G. ; Hajek, Michael ; for the DOSIS Consortium, - The DOSIS experiment onboard the Columbus Laboratory of the ISS: Detector evaluation status and the status of the upcoming DOSIS 3D experimentPräsentation Presentation2011
7Hajek, Michael ; Hofstätter, Christina ; Zechner, Andrea DOSIS - Radiation Dose Mapping on Board ColumbusBericht Report2011
8Hajek, Michael DOSIS: Radiation dose mapping onboard ColumbusBericht Report2011