| | Preview | Authors / Editors | Title | Type | Issue Date |
| 1 | | Prybila, Christoph ; Schulte, Stefan ; Hochreiner, Christoph ; Weber, Ingo | Runtime verification for business processes utilizing the Bitcoin blockchain | Artikel Article  | 2020 |
| 2 | | Borkowski, Michael ; Fdhila, Walid ; Nardelli, Matteo ; Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie ; Schulte, Stefan | Event-based failure prediction in distributed business processes | Artikel Article  | 2019 |
| 3 | | Mazzola, Luca ; Kapahnke, Patrick ; Waibel, Philipp ; Hochreiner, Christoph ; Klusch, Matthias ; Jardim-Goncalves, Ricardo ; Mendonca, Joao Pedro ; Pallot, Marc ; Zarli, Alain ; Martins, Joao ; Marques, Maria | FCE4BPMN: On-demand QoS-based optimised process model execution in the cloud | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings  | 2018 |
| 4 | | Borkowski, Michael ; Hochreiner, Christoph ; Schulte, Stefan ; Heras, Dora B. ; Bougé, Luc | Moderated Resource Elasticity for Stream Processing Applications | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings  | 2018 |
| 5 | | Hochreiner, Christoph ; Vögler, Michael ; Schleicher, Johannes M. ; Inzinger, Christian ; Schulte, Stefan ; Dustdar, Schahram ; Longo, Antonella ; Zappatore, Marco ; Villari, Massimo ; Rana, Omer ; Bruneo, Dario ; Ranjan, Rajiv ; Fazio, Maria ; Massonet, Philippe | Nomadic Applications Traveling in the Fog | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings  | 2018 |
| 6 | | Skarlat, Olena ; Bachmann, Kevin ; Schulte, Stefan ; Koldehofe, Boris ; Reinhardt, Andreas ; Schulte, Stefan | FogFrame: IoT Service Deployment and Execution in the Fog | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings  | 2018 |
| 7 | | Mazzola, Luca ; Waibel, Philipp ; Kaphanke, Patrick ; Klusch, Matthias | Smart Process Optimization and Adaptive Execution with Semantic Services in Cloud Manufacturing | Artikel Article  | 2018 |
| 8 | | Schulte, Stefan | Teaching IoT for Smart Systems | Präsentation Presentation | 2017 |
| 9 | | Borkowski, Michael ; Fdhila, Walid ; Nardelli, Matteo ; Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie ; Schulte, Stefan | Event-based Failure Prediction in Distributed Business Processes | Preprint Preprint | 2017 |
| 10 | | Skarlat, Olena ; Nardelli, Matteo ; Schulte, Stefan ; Dustdar, Schahram | Towards QoS-Aware Fog Service Placement | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings  | 2017 |
| 11 | | Hochreiner, Christoph ; Kopp, Oliver ; Lenhard, Jörg ; Pautasso, Cesare | VISP Testbed - A Toolkit for Modeling and Evaluating Resource Provisioning Algorithms for Stream Processing Applications | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings  | 2017 |
| 12 | | Rausch, Thomas ; Hummer, Waldemar ; Leitner, Philipp ; Schulte, Stefan | An Empirical Analysis of Build Failures in the Continuous Integration Workflows of Java-Based Open-Source Software | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings  | 2017 |
| 13 | | Skarlat, Olena ; Hochreiner, Christoph ; Schulte, Stefan | Elastic Manufacturing Process Landscapes (Short Paper) | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings  | 2016 |
| 14 | | Hochreiner, Christoph ; Vögler, Michael ; Schulte, Stefan ; Dustdar, Schahram ; Foster, Ian ; Radia, Nimish | Elastic Stream Processing for the Internet of Things | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings  | 2016 |
| 15 | | Klusch, Matthias ; Kapahnke, Patrick ; Schulte, Stefan ; Lecure, Freddy ; Bernstein, Abraham | Semantic Web Service Search: A Brief Survey | Artikel Article | 2016 |
| 16 | | Borkowski, Michael ; Schulte, Stefan ; Hochreiner, Christoph | Predicting cloud resource utilization | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings  | 2016 |
| 17 | | Skarlat, Olena ; Borkowski, Michael ; Schulte, Stefan | Towards a methodology and instrumentation toolset for cloud manufacturing | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings  | 2016 |
| 18 | | Hochreiner, Christoph ; Vögler, Michael ; Waibel, Philipp ; Dustdar, Schahram ; Matthes, Florian ; Mendling, Jan ; Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie | VISP: An Ecosystem for Elastic Data Stream Processing for the Internet of Things | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings  | 2016 |
| 19 | | Hochreiner, Christoph ; Waibel, Philipp ; Borkowski, Michael ; Mayr, Heinrich C. ; Pinzger, Martin | Bridging Gaps in Cloud Manufacturing with 3D Printing | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings  | 2016 |
| 20 | | Waibel, Philipp ; Mendling, Jan ; Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie | Elastic Process Optimization and Scheduling in the Cloud | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings  | 2016 |