Technik für Biowissenschaften Doktoratsstudium

Project Acronym Projekt Kurzbezeichnung
Project Title (de) Projekttitel (de)
Technik für Biowissenschaften Doktoratsstudium
Project Title (en) Projekttitel (en)
Engineering for life sciences doctoral programme
Consortium Coordinator Koordinator des Konsortiums
Principal Investigator Projektleiter_in
Funder/Funding Agency Fördergeber
European Commission
Grant number Förderkennnummer


Results 1-8 of 8 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Jadhav-2024-Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology-vor.pdf.jpgJadhav, Reshma ; Mach, Robert L. ; Mach-Aigner, Astrid R. Protein secretion and associated stress in industrially employed filamentous fungiArticle Artikel 2024
2Höhlschen, Julia Martina ; Hofreither, Dominik ; Tomin, Tamara ; Birner-Grünberger, Ruth Effects of Empagliflozin on the Proteome of Cardiac CellsPresentation Vortrag27-Sep-2023
3Chiang, You-Rong ; Hellmich, Christian ; Thurner, Philipp A novel data-driven constitutive model for individual collagen fibrils based on hypoelasticityPresentation Vortrag20-Sep-2023
4Höhlschen, Julia Martina ; Tomin, Tamara ; Birner-Grünberger, Ruth Gliflozin drug class and its effect on the proteome of cardiomyocytesPresentation Vortrag5-Sep-2023
5Handelshauser-2023-Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Mater...-vor.pdf.jpgHandelshauser, Martin ; Chiang, You-Rong ; Marchetti-Deschmann, Martina ; Thurner, Philipp J ; Andriotis, Orestis G Collagen fibril tensile response described by a nonlinear Maxwell modelArticle Artikel Sep-2023
6Höhlschen, Julia Martina ; Hofreither, Dominik ; Tomin, Tamara ; Birner-Grünberger, Ruth Effects of gliflozins on proteome of cardiomyocytesPresentation Vortrag30-Jul-2023
7Chiang, You-Rong ; Hellmich, Christian ; Thurner, Philipp Development of a hypoelastic model for individual collagen fibrils informed by experimentsPresentation Vortrag23-May-2023
8Hoehlschen-2023-Cardiovascular Diabetology-ao.pdf.jpgHöhlschen, Julia Martina ; Hofreither, Dominik ; Tomin, Tamara ; Birner-Grünberger, Ruth Redox-driven cardioprotective effects of sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitors: comparative reviewArticle Artikel 2023