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Hollaus, Markus
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Results 1-20 of 305 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Ghorbani-2024-IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observatio...-vor.pdf.jpgGhorbani, Fariborz ; Chen, Yi-Chen ; Hollaus, Markus ; Pfeifer, Norbert A Robust and Automatic Algorithm for TLS–ALS Point Cloud Registration in Forest Environments Based on Tree LocationsArticle Artikel 2024
2Gallay, Michal ; Kaňuk, Ján ; Zgraggen, Carlo ; Imbach, Benedikt ; Šašak, Ján ; Šupinský, Jozef ; Hollaus, Markus Unpiloted Airborne Laser Scanning of a Mixed ForestBook Contribution Buchbeitrag1-Nov-2023
3Hollaus, Markus ; Schimpl, Lorenz ; Posch, Larissa ; Kirchmeir, Hanns Deadwood detection – in-situ versus UAV-LiDAR based approachesPresentation Vortrag7-Sep-2023
4Chen, Yi-Chen ; Hollaus, Markus ; Bronne, Günther ; Pfeifer, Norbert Characterization of SilviLaser 2021 Benchmark Data SetPresentation Vortrag7-Sep-2023
5Winiwarter, Lukas Georg ; Coops, Nicholas ; Hollaus, Markus Uncertainties in biomass prediction from airborne laser scanning dataPresentation Vortrag7-Sep-2023
6Iglseder, Anna ; Prochaska, Christian ; Hoffert-Hösl, Hannes ; Lechner, Michael ; Immitzer, Markus ; Hollaus, Markus Finding homogeneity in the diversity: Combining remote sensing data for segmentation and monitoring of forests of high biodiversity valuePresentation Vortrag6-Sep-2023
7Chen, Yi-Chen ; Hollaus, Markus ; Kukko, Antero ; Hyyppä, Juha Tree Species Classification using Multi-spectral LiDAR - First Result from an Austria Study SitePresentation Vortrag6-Sep-2023
8Ali, Moonis ; Lohani, Bharat ; Hollaus, Markus ; Pfeifer, Norbert Benchmarking Leaf-Filtering algorithms for Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) dataPresentation Vortrag6-Sep-2023
9Birnbauer, Kathrin ; Hollaus, Markus ; Bronner, Günther ; Czimber, Kornél Optimizing in-situ measurements via voice recognitionPresentation Vortrag6-Sep-2023
10Takhtkeshhha, Narges ; Mandlburger, Gottfried ; Hollaus, Markus ; Remondino, Fabio ; Hyyppä, Juha Unsupervised deep learning-based tree species mapping using multispectral airborne LiDAR dataPresentation Vortrag6-Sep-2023
11Moeslund, Jesper Erenskjold ; Clausen, Kevin Kuhlmann ; Dalby, Lars ; Fløjgaard, Camilla ; Pärtel, Meelis ; Pfeifer, Norbert ; Hollaus, Markus ; Brunbjerg, Ane Kirstine Using airborne lidar to characterize North European terrestrial high-dark-diversity habitatsArticle Artikel Jun-2023
12Hollaus, Markus Zustandserfassung des Waldes mittels FernerkundungInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag10-May-2023
13Iglseder-2023-International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoi...-vor.pdf.jpgIglseder, Anna ; Immitzer, Markus ; Dostálová, Alena ; Kasper, Andreas ; Pfeifer, Norbert ; Bauerhansl, Christoph ; Schöttl, Stefan ; Hollaus, Markus The potential of combining satellite and airborne remote sensing data for habitat classification and monitoring in forest landscapesArticle Artikel Mar-2023
14Zotta, Ruxandra-Maria ; Schlaffer, Stefan ; Hollaus, Markus ; Dostalova, Alena ; Vacik, Harald ; Müller, Mortimer M. ; Atzberger, Clement ; Immitzer, Markus ; Dioszegi, Gergö ; Dorigo, Wouter Arnoud Using satellite, airborne laser scanning and socio-economic data in a machine learning framework for improved fire danger modelling in the AlpsInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag2023
15Iglseder, Anna ; Prochaska, Christian ; Schimpl, Lorenz ; Berger, Nils ; Hoffert-Hösl, Hannes ; Lechner, Michael ; Immitzer, Markus ; Rottenbacher, Christine ; Lumetsberger, Tanja ; Bauerhansl, Christoph ; Hollaus, Markus Unlocking the Potential: Bridging the Gap Between Remote Sensing Science and User Uptake in Environmental Applications. An Eastern Austrian Case StudyInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag2023
16Iglseder, Anna ; Lechner, Michael ; Immitzer, Markus ; Hoffert-Hösl, Hannes ; Rottenbacher, Christine ; Lumetsberger, Tanja ; Kasper, Andreas ; Schnetz, Maria-Elisabeth ; Kramer, Klaus ; Bauerhansl, Christoph ; Hollaus, Markus Combining Remote Sensing Data for Habitat Mapping and Monitoring on a Regional Scale – the SEMONA RELOADED ProjectInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag2023
17Dostalova, Alena ; Wagner, Wolfgang ; Hollaus, Markus European-Wide Forest Mapping and Classification Using the Sentinel-1 DataPresentation Vortrag2-Sep-2022
18Chen, Yi-Chen ; Hollaus, Markus ; Pfeifer, Norbert Point Cloud Co-registration Algorithm for Forestry ApplicationsPresentation Vortrag2-Sep-2022
19Hollaus, Markus ; Chen, Yi-Chen ; Bronner, Günther The SilviLaser 2021 Benchmark Data Set – First ResultsPresentation Vortrag2-Sep-2022
20Hollaus, Markus ; Li, Nan ; Dostalova, Alena ; Zotta, Ruxandra-Maria ; Pfeifer, Norbert GEDI and ICESat2 data for forest parameter retrieval for Alpine regionsPresentation Vortrag1-Sep-2022

Results 1-12 of 12 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthors / EditorsTitleTypeIssue Date
1Schimpl Lorenz - 2024 - Comparative Analysis of Airborne Laser Scanning and...pdf.jpgSchimpl, Lorenz Comparative Analysis of Airborne Laser Scanning and Image Matching Point Clouds in Forestry: Enhancing Temporal Resolution using Machine LearningThesis Hochschulschrift 2024
2Thiel Johanna - 2022 - Ableitung von Forstparametern aus ALS Daten unter...pdf.jpgThiel, Johanna Ableitung von Forstparametern aus ALS Daten unter Verwendung von maschinellem Lernen und GISThesis Hochschulschrift 2022
3Hollaus, Markus ; Pfeifer, Norbert Proceedings of the SilviLaser Conference 2021Konferenzband Proceedings 1-Dec-2021
4Hollaus, Markus ; Pfeifer, Norbert Proceedings of the SilviLaser Conference 2021Konferenzband Proceedings 2021
5Bruggisser Moritz - 2021 - Improving forest mensurations with high resolution...pdf.jpgBruggisser, Moritz Improving forest mensurations with high resolution point cloudsThesis Hochschulschrift 2021
6Wang Di - 2018 - Quantification of single-tree structure in mountain forests...pdf.jpgWang, Di Quantification of single-tree structure in mountain forests using terrestrial laser scanningThesis Hochschulschrift 2018
7Reifeltshammer David - 2017 - Registrierung von TLS Scans in Waldgebieten...pdf.jpgReifeltshammer, David Registrierung von TLS Scans in Waldgebieten mittels ICPThesis Hochschulschrift 2017
8Podaras Silvana - 2017 - Automated classification of road -surface types based...pdf.jpgPodaras, Silvana Automated classification of road -surface types based on crowd-sourced dataThesis Hochschulschrift 2017
9Meyer Anja - 2016 - Brandgutkarten aus Airborne Laserscanningdaten.pdf.jpgMeyer, Anja Brandgutkarten aus Airborne LaserscanningdatenThesis Hochschulschrift 2016
10Eysn Lothar - 2016 - Multi-Scale 3D modeling and parametrization of the resource...pdf.jpgEysn, Lothar Multi-Scale 3D modeling and parametrization of the resource forest based on airborne and terrestrial laser scanningThesis Hochschulschrift 2016
11Lehmann, Günther Baumartenerkennung mittels Full-Waveform Airborne LaserscanningThesis Hochschulschrift2009
12Mücke, Werner Analysis of full-waveform airborne laser scanning data for the improvement of DTM generationThesis Hochschulschrift2008