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Sallinger, Emanuel
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Results 1-20 of 44 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Glaser, Philipp-Lorenz ; Sallinger, Emanuel ; Bork, Dominik EA ModelSet – A FAIR Dataset for Machine Learning in Enterprise ModelingInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 25-Nov-2023
2Angles-2023-Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment-vor.pdf.jpgAngles, Renzo ; Gottlob, Georg ; Pavlovic, Aleksandar ; Pichler, Reinhard ; Sallinger, Emanuel SparqLog: A System for Efficient Evaluation of SPARQL 1.1 Queries via DatalogArticle Artikel Nov-2023
3Bellomarini-2023-Model-Independent Design of Knowledge Graphs-vor.pdf.jpgBellomarini, Luigi ; Gentili, Andrea ; Laurenza, Eleonora ; Sallinger, Emanuel Model-Independent Design of Knowledge GraphsInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 2-Jun-2023
4Heinzl-2023-Towards Efficient Annotation Databases-vor.pdf.jpgHeinzl, René ; Nissl, Markus ; Sallinger, Emanuel Towards Efficient Annotation DatabasesInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 2-Jun-2023
5Glaser, Philipp-Lorenz ; Ali, Syed Juned ; Sallinger, Emanuel ; Bork, Dominik Exploring Enterprise Architecture Knowledge Graphs in Archi: The EAKG ToolkitInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 2023
6Glaser, Philipp-Lorenz ; Ali, Syed Juned ; Sallinger, Emanuel ; Bork, Dominik Model-Based Construction of Enterprise Architecture Knowledge Graphs (extended abstract)Inproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 2023
7Pavlovic, Aleksandar ; Sallinger, Emanuel Building Bridges: Knowledge Graph Embeddings Respecting Logical Rules (short paper)Inproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 2023
8Lanzinger, Matthias ; Nissl, Markus ; Sallinger, Emanuel ; Wałęga, Przemysław Temporal Datalog with Existential QuantificationInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 2023
9Sallinger, Emanuel Knowledge Graphs in Action: from Theory to Systems and Real-world Applications (Abstract)Inproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 2023
10Pavlovic-2023-ExpressivE A Spatio-Functional Embedding For Knowledge Grap...-vor.pdf.jpgPavlovic, Aleksandar ; Sallinger, Emanuel ExpressivE: A Spatio-Functional Embedding For Knowledge Graph CompletionInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 2023
11Baldazzi-2023-Reasoning over Financial Scenarios with the Vadalog System-vor.pdf.jpgBaldazzi, Teodoro ; Bellomarini, Luigi ; Sallinger, Emanuel Reasoning over Financial Scenarios with the Vadalog SystemInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 2023
12Glaser-2022-Model-Based Construction ofEnterprise Architecture Knowledge G...-am.pdf.jpgGlaser, Philipp-Lorenz ; Ali, Syed Juned ; Sallinger, Emanuel ; Bork, Dominik Model-Based Construction of Enterprise Architecture Knowledge GraphsInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag Oct-2022
13Cheng, Zehua ; Wu, Lianlong ; Thomas Lukasiewicz ; Emanuel Sallinger ; Georg Gottlob Democratizing Financial Knowledge Graph Construction by Mining Massive Brokerage Research ReportsInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 2022
14Gottlob, Georg ; Sallinger, Emanuel ; Pieris, Andreas Vadalog: Recent Advances and ApplicationsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2019
15Berger, Gerald ; Gottlob, Georg ; Pieris, Andreas ; Sallinger, Emanuel The Space-Efficient Core of VadalogKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2019
16Konstantinou, Nikolaos ; Abel, Edward ; Bellomarini, Luigi ; Bogatu, Alex Teodor ; Civili, Cristina ; Irfanie, Endri ; Köhler, Martin ; Lacramioara, Mazilu ; Sallinger, Emanuel ; Fernandes, Alvaro A. A. ; Gottlob, Georg ; Keane, John A. ; Paton, Norman W. VADA: an architecture for end user informed data preparationArtikel Article 2019
17Sallinger, Emanuel Information management : dependencies in research, teaching and businessThesis Hochschulschrift2018
18Bellomarini, Luigi ; Gottlob, Georg ; Pieris, Andreas ; Sallinger, Emanuel Swift Logic for Big Data and Knowledge GraphsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2017
19Gottlob, Georg ; Pichler, Reinhard ; Sallinger, Emanuel Function Symbols in Tuple-Generating Dependencies: Expressive Power and ComputabilityKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2017
20Csar, Theresa ; Lackner, Martin ; Pichler, Reinhard ; Sallinger, Emanuel Computational Social Choice in the CloudsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2017

Results 1-12 of 12 (Search time: 0.009 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Staynov Stoyan - 2023 - A Blockchain-driven Approach for Secure and Scalable...pdf.jpgStaynov, Stoyan A Blockchain-driven approach for secure and scalable provenance management in open data systemsThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
2Nissl Markus - 2023 - Temporal Reasoning in Knowledge Graphs Artificial...pdf.jpgNissl, Markus Temporal reasoning in knowledge graphs : Artificial intelligence systems for reasoning with time in VadalogThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
3Auer Andreas - 2022 - VT-KGNN A Valid time knowledge graph neural network.pdf.jpgAuer, Andreas VT-KGNN: A Valid time knowledge graph neural networkThesis Hochschulschrift 2022
4Pachinger Pia Simone - 2022 - A Recommender system for scientific referees based...pdf.jpgPachinger, Pia SimoneA Recommender system for scientific referees based on bibliographic databases and KGsThesis Hochschulschrift 2022
5Schueller Manuel - 2022 - Reasoning in financial knowledge graphs Making...pdf.jpgSchüller, Manuel Reasoning in financial knowledge graphs : Making Industry sectors accessible to AIThesis Hochschulschrift 2022
6Jahn Rebecca - 2021 - Reasoning in knowledge graphs Methods and techniques.pdf.jpgJahn, Rebecca Reasoning in knowledge graphs: Methods and techniquesThesis Hochschulschrift 2021
7Berent Lucas - 2021 - Foundations of knowledge graphs Complexity of arithmetic...pdf.jpgBerent, Lucas Foundations of knowledge graphs: Complexity of arithmetic in vadalogThesis Hochschulschrift 2021
8Wagner Felix Karl Michael - 2021 - Recursive rule injection in knowledge graphs...pdf.jpgWagner, Felix Karl Michael Recursive rule injection in knowledge graphs : Exploiting logical knowledge in machine learningThesis Hochschulschrift 2021
9Pavlović, Aleksandar Reasoning in knowledge graphs : bridging databases and the semantic webThesis Hochschulschrift2020
10Gottlob, Georg ; Pichler, Reinhard ; Sallinger, Emanuel Function Symbols in Tuple-Generating Dependencies: Expressive Power and ComputabilityKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2017
11Pieris, Andreas ; Morak, Michael ; Alviano, Mario Stable Model Semantics for Tuple-Generating Dependencies RevisitedKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2017
12Arming, Sebastian Complexity of repair checking and consistent query answeringThesis Hochschulschrift2015