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Sixta, Herbert

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1Froschauer, C ; Weber, Hedda K. ; Sixta, Herbert ; Laus, G ; Lendl, Bernhard ; Schottenberger, Herwig No Matter of Course: Ionic Liquids as SO2-Selective Gas AbsorbersArtikel Article2013
2Schwaighofer Andreas - 2011 - Determination of the xanthate group distribution...pdf.jpgSchwaighofer, Andreas ; Zuckerstätter, Gerhard ; Schlagnitweit, Judith ; Sixta, Herbert ; Müller, Norbert Determination of the xanthate group distribution on viscose by liquid-state 1H NMR spectroscopyArticle Artikel 2011
3Abad-Romero, Beatriz ; Mereiter, Kurt ; Sixta, Herbert ; Hofinger, Andreas ; Kosma, Paul Synthesis of regioselectively sulfated xylodextrins and crystal structure of sodium methyl β-D-xylopyranoside 4-O-sulfate hemihydrateArtikel Article2009
4Steindl, Michael ; Wolfinger, Martin G. ; Friedl, Anton ; Weber, Hedda K. ; Sixta, Herbert Modelling of the Lenzing SO₂ recovery process and validation with plant dataArtikel Article2008
5Schlesinger, Robert ; Götzinger, G ; Sixta, Herbert ; Friedl, Anton ; Harasek, Michael Evaluation of alkali resistant nanofiltration membranes for the separation of hemicellulose from concentrated alkaline process liquorsArtikel Article2006
6Schöggl, Karl ; Steindl, Michael ; Friedl, Anton ; Weber, Hedda ; Sixta, Herbert Calculation of Physical Property Data of the System MgO-SO₂-H₂O and their Implementation in Aspen PlusArtikel Article2006
7Schöggl, Karl ; Steindl, Michael ; Friedl, Anton ; Weber, Hedda K. ; Sixta, Herbert Calculation of physical property data of the system MgO-SO2-H2O and their implementation in Aspen PlusKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2006
8Schöggl, Karl ; Steindl, Michael ; Weber, Hedda K. ; Friedl, Anton ; Sixta, Herbert Calculation of Physical Property Data of the System MgO-SO2-H2O and their Implementation into a Simulation ToolKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2006
9Schlesinger, Robert ; Röder, T. ; Götzinger, G ; Sixta, Herbert ; Harasek, Michael ; Friedl, Anton Influence of hemicellulose aggregate and gel layer formation on flux and retention during nanofiltration of alkaline solutionsArtikel Article2005
10Gradinger, Cornelia ; Promberger, A ; Weber, Hedda ; Messner, Kurt ; Sixta, Herbert Microbiological characterization of beech wood and its influence on the quality of sulfite dissolving pulpArtikel Article2005
11Steindl, Michael ; Röder, T. ; Simharl, R. ; Harasek, Michael ; Friedl, Anton ; Sixta, Herbert Online Raman monitoring of the phase transition of magnesium sulphite hydrateArtikel Article2005
12Schlesinger, Robert ; Götzinger, G ; Sixta, Herbert ; Friedl, Anton ; Harasek, Michael Evaluation of alkali resistent nanofiltration membranes for the separation of hemicellulose from concentrated alkaline process liquorsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2005
13Steindl, Michael ; Röder, T. ; Simharl, R. ; Harasek, Michael ; Friedl, Anton ; Sixta, Herbert ; Weber, Hedda Monitoring of the phase transition of magnesium sulphite hydrates by online raman spectroscopyArtikel Article2004
14Schlesinger, Robert ; Röder, T. ; Götzinger, G ; Harasek, Michael ; Friedl, Anton ; Sixta, Herbert ; Weber, Hedda Hemicellulose fouling behaviour during nanofiltration of press liquorArtikel Article2004
15Schlesinger, Robert ; Sixta, Herbert ; Friedl, Anton Recovery of sodium hydroxide from industrial waste liquors by dialysisPräsentation Presentation2002