Full name Familienname, Vorname
Romano-Rodriguez, Albert
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

Results 1-20 of 23 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Seifner Michael S - 2017 - Pushing the composition limit of anisotropic Ge1-xSnx...pdf.jpgSeifner, Michael Stanislaus ; Hernandez, Sergi ; Bernardi, Johannes ; Romano-Rodriguez, Albert ; Barth, Sven Christian Pushing the composition limit of anisotropic Ge1–xSnx nanostructures and determination of their thermal stabilityArticle Artikel 28-Nov-2017
2Hrachowina, Lukas ; Domènech-Gil, Guillem ; Seifner, Michael S. ; Sama, Jordi ; Gracia, Isabel ; Cane, Carles ; Romano-Rodriguez, Albert ; Barth, Sven Christian Site-Specific Growth and In Situ Integration of Nanowire Networks for Sensing ApplicationsPräsentation Presentation2017
3Sama, Jordi ; Barth, Sven Christian ; Prades, Joan Daniel ; Seifner, Michael S. ; Casals, Olga ; Gracia, Isabel ; Santander, Joaquin ; Calaza, Carlos ; Fonseca, Luis ; Cane, Carles ; Romano-Rodriguez, Albert Germanium nanowires: novel gas sensor materialKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2014
4Sama, Jordi ; Barth, Sven Christian ; Prades, Joan Daniel ; Casals, Olga ; Gracia, Isabel ; Cane, Carles ; Romano-Rodriguez, Albert Localized growth of SnO2 nanowires for environmental monitoringKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2014
5Romano-Rodriguez, Albert ; Sama, Jordi ; Prades, Joan Daniel ; Casals, Olga ; Hernandez-Ramirez, Francisco ; Barth, Sven Christian Ultralow power gas sensor based on SnO2 selfheated nanowiresKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2014
6Barth, Sven Christian ; Sama, Jordi ; Seifner, Michael S. ; Prades, Joan Daniel ; Gracia, Isabel ; Cane, Carles ; Romano-Rodriguez, Albert Localized Growth And In-Situ Integration Of Semiconducting Nanowire Bundles By Micro-CvdKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2014
7Barth, Sven Christian ; Sama, Jordi ; Romano-Rodriguez, Albert VLS Growth of In2O3 Nanowires via Carbothermal Reduction: Growth Conditions, Structural Characterization and Gas Sensing PropertiesKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2014
8Sama, Jordi ; Barth, Sven Christian ; Romano-Rodriguez, Albert Gas Sensing Properties of In2O3 Nanowires Grown via Carbothermal ReductionKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2014
9Sama, Jordi ; Barth, Sven Christian ; Romano-Rodriguez, Albert Novel Gas Sensors Based on Germanium NanowiresKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2014
10Barth, Sven ; Jimenez-Diaz, Roman ; Samà, Jordi ; Daniel Prades, Joan ; Gracia, Isabel ; Santander, Joaquin ; Cane, Carles ; Romano-Rodriguez, Albert Localized growth and in situ integration of nanowires for device applicationsArtikel Article2012
11Jimenez-Diaz, Roman ; Prades, Joan Daniel ; Sama, Jordi ; Hernandez-Ramirez, F. ; Morante, Joan Ramon ; Cirera, Albert ; Santander, Joaquin ; Cane, Carles ; Barth, Sven Christian ; Romano-Rodriguez, Albert Very-low Power Consumption Gas Sensor Nanodevices Based on Single Metal-oxide NanowiresKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2012
12Sama, Jordi ; Jimenez-Diaz, Roman ; Casals, Olga ; Prades, Joan Daniel ; Santander, Joaquin ; Calaza, Carlos ; Fonseca, Luis ; Cane, Carles ; Hernandez-Ramirez, F. ; Barth, Sven Christian ; Romano-Rodriguez, Albert Focused Electron Beam Aided Integration of Nanowires onto Microhotplates for the Fabrication of Low Power Consumption and Fast Operated Gas NanosensorsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2012
13Romano-Rodriguez, Albert ; Sama, Jordi ; Jimenez-Diaz, Roman ; Prades, Joan Daniel ; Gracia, Isabel ; Santander, Joaquin ; Cane, Carles ; Barth, Sven Christian Microsystems for the Site-selective Growth of Semiconducting Nanowires with Ultra-low Power ConsumptionKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2012
14Jimenez-Diaz, Roman ; Sama, Jordi ; Prades, Joan Daniel ; Santander, Joaquin ; Cane, Carles ; Barth, Sven Christian ; Romano-Rodriguez, Albert Dielectrophoretic Alignment of Metal-oxide Nanowires for High-throughput Gas Nanosensor DevicesKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2012
15Barth, Sven Christian ; Sama, Jordi ; Jimenez-Diaz, Roman ; Prades, Joan Daniel ; Romano-Rodriguez, Albert CMOS-compatible Localized Growth and Integration of Semiconducting Nanowire BundlesKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2012
16Barth, Sven Christian ; Jimenez-Diaz, Roman ; Sama, Jordi ; Romano-Rodriguez, Albert CMOS-Compatible Localized Growth And Integration of Semiconducting NanowiresKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2012
17Barth, Sven ; Hernandez-Ramirez, Francisco ; Holmes, Justin D. ; Romano-Rodriguez, Albert Synthesis and applications of one-dimensional semiconductorsArtikel Article2010
18Barth, Sven Christian ; Estrade, Sonia ; Hernandez-Ramirez, Francisco ; Peiro, Francesca ; Arbiol, Jordi ; Romano-Rodriguez, Albert ; Morante, Joan Ramon ; Mathur, Sanjay Studies on Surface Facets and Chemical Composition of Vapor Grown One-Dimensional Magnetite NanostructuresArtikel Article 2009
19Prades, Joan Daniel ; Jimenez-Diaz, Roman ; Hernandez-Ramirez, Francisco ; Barth, Sven Christian ; Cirera, Albert ; Romano-Rodriguez, Albert ; Mathur, Sanjay ; Morante, Joan Ramon Equivalence between thermal and room temperature UV light-modulated responses of gas sensors based on individual SnO₂ nanowiresArtikel Article 2009
20Prades, Joan Daniel ; Jimenez-Diaz, Roman ; Hernandez-Ramirez, Francisco ; Barth, Sven Christian ; Pan, J ; Cirera, Albert ; Romano-Rodriguez, Albert ; Mathur, Sanjay ; Morante, Joan Ramon An Experimental Method to Estimate the Temperature of Individual NanowiresArtikel Article 2009