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Daskalova, Albena

Results 1-13 of 13 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

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1Daskalova, Albena ; Bliznakova, I. ; Trifonov, A. ; Buchvarov, I. ; Nathala, Chandra S. ; Husinsky, Wolfgang Morphological characterization of chitosan biopolymer thin films modified via fs irradiation and ist potential application as functional surfaces in regenerative medicineKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2016
2Nathala Chandra SR - 2016 - Ultrashort laser pulse ablation of copper silicon...pdf.jpgNathala, Chandra Sekher Reddy ; Ajami, Ali ; Husinsky, Wolfgang ; Farooq, Bilal ; Kudryashov, Sergey I. ; Daskalova, Albena ; Bliznakova, Irina ; Assion, Andreas Ultrashort laser pulse ablation of copper, silicon and gelatin: effect of the pulse duration on the ablation thresholds and the incubation coefficientsArticle Artikel 2016
3Daskalova, Albena ; Nathala, Chandra S. ; Bliznakova, I. ; Slavov, D. ; Husinsky, Wolfgang Estimation of ultrashort laser irradiation effect over thin transparent biopolymer films morphologyBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2015
4Daskalova, Albena ; Nathala, Chandra S. ; Bliznakova, I. ; Stoyanova, E. ; Zhelyazkova, A. ; Ganz, Thomas ; Lüftenegger, Stfan ; Husinsky, Wolfgang Controlling the porosity of collagen, gelatin and elastin biomaterials by ultrashort laser pulsesArtikel Article2014
5Daskalova, Albena ; Bashir, Shazia ; Husinsky, Wolfgang Daskalova, A., Bashir, S., & Husinsky, W., Morphology of ablation craters generated by ultra-short laser pulses in dentin surfaces: AFM and ESEM evaluation. Appl. Surf. Sci. 257 (3), 1119-1124.Artikel Article2010
6Daskalova, Albena ; Bashir, Shazia ; Husinsky, Wolfgang ESEM and AFM analysis of Human Dentine Irradiated with Femtosecond Laser PulsesKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2009
7Daskalova, Albena ; Husinsky, Wolfgang Application of ultra-fast laser radiation for processing of biological tissue: mass spectrometry of ablated speciesArtikel Article2008
8Daskalova, Albena ; Husinsky, Wolfgang ; Bashir, Shazia Comparative SIMS and US-LSNMS analysis of Cu/Ti multilayer thin filmsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2008
9Daskalova, Albena ; Husinsky, Wolfgang Ionization of biomolecules in high-intensity laser fieldsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2007
10Daskalova, Albena ; Husinsky, Wolfgang Detection of Biological Molecules from Hard Biological Tissue Using Ion-Beam-Induced Desorption and Femtosecond Laser AblationArtikel Article2006
11Husinsky, Wolfgang ; Matei, Consuela-Elena ; Daskalova, Albena ; Betz, Gerhard Ultrashort-Laser SIMS and SNMS: A quantitative tool for surface and bulk analysis ?Präsentation Presentation2003
12Husinsky, Wolfgang ; Siebenküttel, Rainer ; Daskalova, Albena ; Matei, Consuela-Elena ; Schnitzer, Reinhard ; Betz, Gerhard Ablation of biological tissue by femtosecond radiation: emission of ionic and neutral species and applicationsPräsentation Presentation2002
13Husinsky, Wolfgang ; Daskalova, Albena ; Schnitzer, Reinhard ; Betz, Gerhard Ablation of biological tissue by femtosecond radiation: emission of ionic and neutral species and applicationsPräsentation Presentation2001