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Huang, Haosheng
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Results 1-20 of 79 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Zhou-2021-Towards a hierarchical indoor data model from a route perspective-vor.pdf.jpgZhou, Zhiyong ; Weibel, Robert ; Richter, Kai-Florian ; Huang, Haosheng Towards a hierarchical indoor data model from a route perspectiveInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag Nov-2021
2Qin-2021-Indoor Wayfinding in Real-world Environments and Virtual Reality A C....pdf.jpgQin, Tong ; Dong, Weihua ; Huang, Haosheng Indoor Wayfinding in Real-world Environments and Virtual Reality: A ComparisonInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag Nov-2021
3Guan-2021-Representation and modelling of the complexity of street inters...-vor.pdf.jpgGuan, Fangli ; Fang, Zhixiang ; Huang, Haosheng Representation and modelling of the complexity of street intersections for navigation guidanceInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag Nov-2021
4Wang, Wangshu ; Huang, Haosheng ; Gartner, Georg Can indoor navigation service incorporating signs support spatial learning?Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2021
5Wang, Wangshu ; Huang, Haosheng ; Lyu, Hao ; Gartner, Georg Incorporating directional signs into indoor navigation systemsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2019
6Huang, Haosheng ; Gartner, Georg ; Krisp, Jukka ; Raubal, Martin ; van de Weghe, Nico Location Based Services: Research Trends and Open ChallengesKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2019
7Thrash, Tyler ; Lanini-Maggi, Sara Mary Rosa ; Fabrikant, Sara I. ; Bertel, Sven ; Brügger, Annina ; Credé, Sascha ; Do, Cao Tri ; Gartner, Georg ; Huang, Haosheng ; Münzer, Stefan ; Richter, Kai-Florian The Future of Geographic Information Displays from GIScience, Cartographic, and Cognitive Science PerspectivesKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2019
8Perebner, Martin ; Huang, Haosheng ; Gartner, Georg Applying user-centred design for smartwatchbased pedestrian navigation systemArtikel Article 2019
9Wang, Wangshu ; Huang, Haosheng ; Gartner, Georg Considering Existing Indoor Navigational Aids in Navigation ServicesKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2018
10Liao, Hua ; Dong, Weihua ; Huang, Haosheng ; Gartner, Georg ; Liu, Huiping Inferring user tasks in pedestrian navigation from eye movement data in real-world environmentsArtikel Article 2018
11Huang, Haosheng ; Gartner, Georg Current Trends and Challenges in Location-Based ServicesArtikel Article 2018
12Capineri, Cristina ; Huang, Haosheng ; Gartner, Georg Tracking Emotions in Urban Space. Two Experiments in Vienna and SienaArtikel Article 2018
13Huang, Haosheng ; Gartner, Georg ; Krisp, Jukka M. ; Raubal, Martin ; Van de Weghe, Nico Location based services: ongoing evolution and research agendaArtikel Article 2018
14Fellner, Irene ; Huang, Haosheng ; Gartner, Georg "Turn Left after the WC, and Use the Lift to Go to the 2nd Floor"-Generation of Landmark-Based Route Instructions for Indoor NavigationArtikel Article 2017
15Gartner, Georg ; Huang, Haosheng Special Issue "Location Based Services"Artikel Article2017
16Gartner, Georg ; Huang, Haosheng Recent research developments in modern cartography in EuropeArtikel Article 2016
17Huang, Haosheng Context-Aware Location Recommendation Using Geotagged Photos in Social MediaArtikel Article 2016
18Gartner, Georg ; Huang, Haosheng Special issue on EuroCarto 2015Artikel Article2016
19Huang, Haosheng ; Gartner, Georg Using mobile crowdsourcing and geotagged social media data to study people's affective responses to environmentsBuchbeitrag Book Contribution 2016
20Gartner, Georg ; Huang, Haosheng 11th International Symposium on Location-Based ServicesArtikel Article2015

Results 1-20 of 58 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Zhou-2021-Towards a hierarchical indoor data model from a route perspective-vor.pdf.jpgZhou, Zhiyong ; Weibel, Robert ; Richter, Kai-Florian ; Huang, Haosheng Towards a hierarchical indoor data model from a route perspectiveInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag Nov-2021
2Kerekes-2021-Towards Perceived Space Representation using Brain Activity,...-vor.pdf.jpgKerekes, Gabriel ; Schwieger, Volker Towards Perceived Space Representation using Brain Activity, Eye-Tracking and Terrestrial Laser ScanningInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag Nov-2021
3Jafari Tafazzol-2021-A New Method for Indoor Positioning Based on Integra...-vor.pdf.jpgJafari Tafazzol, Maryam ; Reza Malek, Mohammad A New Method for Indoor Positioning Based on Integrating Wireless Local Area Network, Bluetooth Low Energy, and Inertial SensorsInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag Nov-2021
4Blaszczak-Bak-2021-Dual-frequency GNSSWi-Fi Smartphone Navigation-vor.pdf.jpgBłaszczak-Bąk, Wioleta ; Retscher, Günther ; Joanna, Janicka ; Uradziński, Marcin ; Bednarczyk, Michał ; Gabela, Jelena Dual-frequency GNSS/Wi-Fi Smartphone NavigationInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag Nov-2021
5Isambert-2021-PPP-RTK  the advantageous result of a hybridization of GNSS...-vor.pdf.jpgIsambert, Delphine ; Chambon, Paul ; Vervisch, Alexandre PPP-RTK : the advantageous result of a hybridization of GNSS accurate positioning techniquesInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag Nov-2021
6Kveladze-2021-Understanding Mobility of Aalborg Commuters A case study wi...-vor.pdf.jpgKveladze, Irma ; Rosenbeck Gøeg, Pelle ; Agerholm, Niels Understanding Mobility of Aalborg Commuters: A case study with a Floating Car DatasetInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag Nov-2021
7Groechenig-2021-Towards C-ITS-based communication between bicycles and au...-vor.pdf.jpgGröchenig, Simon ; Rehrl, Karl Towards C-ITS-based communication between bicycles and automated vehiclesInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag Nov-2021
8Guney-2021-Employee Location Tracking in Retail Stores-vor.pdf.jpgGuney, Caner ; Tuncel, Emre ; Ulagan, Hakan Employee Location Tracking in Retail StoresInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag Nov-2021
9Retscher-2021-Bluetooth Distance Estimation for COVID-19 Contact Tracing-vor.pdf.jpgRetscher, Günther ; Zariqi, Pajtim ; Pinilla Pachon, Ana Oliva ; Ceballos Cantu, José Pablo ; Madawalagama, Sasanka Bluetooth Distance Estimation for COVID-19 Contact TracingInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag Nov-2021
10de Sloover-2021-On the Detection of Moving Objects in Laser Scan Data the...-vor.pdf.jpgde Sloover, Lars ; de Wit, Bart ; van Ackere, Samuel ; De Cock, Laura ; van de Weghe, Nico On the Detection of Moving Objects in Laser Scan Data: the Highest Point of Interest (HPOI) MethodInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag Nov-2021
11Porras Bernardez-2021-Climate change and populists in geolocated Twitter-vor.pdf.jpgPorras Bernardez, Francisco ; Gartner, Georg Climate change and populists in geolocated TwitterInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag Nov-2021
12Liu-2021-Game Engine-based Point Cloud Visualization and Perception for Situa....pdf.jpgLiu, Zhenyu ; Fu, Runnan ; Wang, Linjun ; Jin, Yuzhen ; Papakostas, Theodoros ; Mainelli, Una ; Voûte, Robert Game Engine-based Point Cloud Visualization and Perception for Situation Awareness of Crisis Indoor EnvironmentsInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag Nov-2021
13Shafipour-2021-Modeling accident hotspots to locate roadside equipment ba...-vor.pdf.jpgShafipour, Saman ; Delavar, Mahmoud Rezar ; Babazadeh, Abbas Modeling accident hotspots to locate roadside equipment based on intelligent transportation systemInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag Nov-2021
14Hoseinpour-2021-A Real-Time Spatio-Temporal Bigdata System for Instant Analys....pdf.jpgHoseinpour, Seyed Ali A Real-Time Spatio-Temporal Bigdata System for Instant Analysis of Twitter Data to Monitor of Advertising Campaigns; Case Study New York CityInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag Nov-2021
15Jokinen-2021-Would Citizens Contribute their Personal Location Data to an...-vor.pdf.jpgJokinen, Vilma ; Mäkinen, Ville ; Oksanen, Juha Would Citizens Contribute their Personal Location Data to an Open Database? Preliminary Results from a SurveyInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag Nov-2021
16Zhu-2021-Ontology-driven context-aware recommendation method for indoor n...-vor.pdf.jpgZhu, Litao ; Shen, Jie ; Gartner, Georg Ontology-driven context-aware recommendation method for indoor navigation in large hospitalsInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag Nov-2021
17Qin-2021-Indoor Wayfinding in Real-world Environments and Virtual Reality A C....pdf.jpgQin, Tong ; Dong, Weihua ; Huang, Haosheng Indoor Wayfinding in Real-world Environments and Virtual Reality: A ComparisonInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag Nov-2021
18Karimi-2021-What Can I Do There Extracting Place Functionality Based on A...-vor.pdf.jpgKarimi, Mina ; Mesgari, Mohammad Saedi ; Abbasi, Omid Reza What Can I Do There? Extracting Place Functionality Based on Analysis of User-Generated Textual ContentsInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag Nov-2021
19Zhou-2021-Indoor navigation path visualization method considering the spa...-vor.pdf.jpgZhou, Jingyi ; Shen, Jie ; Shi, Jiafeng ; Zhu, Litao Indoor navigation path visualization method considering the spatial characteristicsInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag Nov-2021
20Anwar-2021-Crime Prevention on the Edge Designing a Crime-Prevention Syst...-vor.pdf.jpgAnwar, Amna ; Kanjo, Eiman Crime Prevention on the Edge: Designing a Crime-Prevention System by Converging Multimodal Sensing with Location-Based DataInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag Nov-2021