Isambert, D., Chambon, P., & Vervisch, A. (2021). PPP-RTK : the advantageous result of a hybridization of GNSS accurate positioning techniques. In A. Basiri, G. Gartner, & H. Huang (Eds.), LBS 2021: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Location Based Services (pp. 63–68).
Precise Global Navigation Satellite system (GNSS)
positioning is one of the main keys to outdoor positioning. Different
technologies exist, each with its own advantages and disadvantages in
terms of performance or robustness. This is why the hybridization of two
of these techniques is studied; PPP-RTK is the result of the combination
of Precise Point Positioning (PPP) and Real Time Kinematic (RTK). This
method allows to keep a global approach with a state space
representation (SSR) and high performances close to RTK. Using an SSR
approach could offer a considerable advantage in precise positioning
with telecommunications.
Additional information:
Published in “Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on
Location Based Services (LBS 2021)”, edited by Anahid Basiri, Georg
Gartner and Haosheng Huang, LBS 2021, 24-25 November 2021,
Glasgow, UK/online.