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Wais, Michael
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1Wais, Michael ; Bagsican, Filchito Renee G ; Komatsu, Natsumi ; Gao, Weilu ; Serita, Kazunori ; Murakami, Hironaru ; Held, Karsten ; Kawayama, Iwao ; Kono, Junichiro ; Battiato, Marco ; Tonouchi, Masayoshi Nickelate superconductors – one band Hubbard model perspectivePresentation Vortrag26-Jun-2023
2Wais-2023-Nano Letters-vor.pdf.jpgWais, Michael ; Bagsican, Filchito Renee G ; Komatsu, Natsumi ; Gao, Weilu ; Serita, Kazunori ; Murakami, Hironaru ; Held, Karsten ; Kawayama, Iwao ; Kono, Junichiro ; Battiato, Marco ; Tonouchi, Masayoshi Transition from Diffusive to Superdiffusive Transport in Carbon Nanotube Networks via Nematic Order ControlArticle Artikel 24-May-2023
3Dal Forno, Stefano ; Komatsu, Natsumi ; Wais, Michael ; Mojibpour, Ali ; Wadgaonkar, Indrajit ; Ghosh, Saunab ; Yomogida, Yohei ; Yanagi, Kazuhiro ; Held, Karsten ; Kono, Junichiro ; Battiato, Marco Origin of the background absorption in carbon nanotubes: Phonon-assisted excitonic continuumArticle Artikel Jan-2022
4Wais, M. ; Held, K. ; Battiato, M. Numerical solver for the time-dependent far-from-equilibrium Boltzmann equationArtikel Article 2021
5Wais, M. ; Kaufmann, J. ; Battiato, M. ; Held, K. Comparing scattering rates from Boltzmann and dynamical mean-field theoryArtikel Article 2021
6Bagsican, Filchito Renee G. ; Wais, Michael ; Komatsu, Natsumi ; Gao, Weilu ; Weber, Lincoln W. ; Serita, Kazunori ; Murakami, Hironaru ; Held, Karsten ; Hegmann, Frank A. ; Tonouchi, Masayoshi ; Kono, Junichiro ; Kawayama, Iwao ; Battiato, M. Terahertz Excitonics in Carbon Nanotubes: Exciton Autoionization and MultiplicationArtikel Article 2020
7Wais Michael - 2020 - Computational non-equilibrium dynamics in solids solver...pdf.jpgWais, Michael Computational non-equilibrium dynamics in solids: : solver for the far-from-equilibrium Boltzmann-equationThesis Hochschulschrift 2020
8Wais, M. ; Eckstein, M. ; Fischer, R. ; Werner, P. ; Battiato, M. ; Held, K. Quantum Boltzmann equation for strongly correlated systems: Comparison to dynamical mean field theoryArtikel Article 2018
9Wais, M. ; Held, K. ; Battiato, M. Importance of Schottky barriers for wide-bandgap thermoelectric devicesArtikel Article 2018
10Wais Michael - 2016 - Chemical potential variations in thermoelectrics.pdf.jpgWais, Michael Chemical potential variations in thermoelectricsThesis Hochschulschrift 2016
11Nagele, Stefan ; Wachter, Georg ; Wais, Michael ; Pazourek, Renate ; Burgdörfer, Joachim Time-resolved photoemission from endohedral fullerenesPräsentation Presentation2015
12Nagele, S ; Wachter, G ; Wais, M ; Pazourek, R ; Burgdörfer, J Time-resolved photoemission from endohedral C<sub>60</sub>probed by attosecond streakingKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2015
13Wachter, Georg ; Nagele, Stefan ; Sato, Shunsuke A. ; Pazourek, Renate ; Wais, Michael ; Lemell, Christoph ; Tong, Xiao-Min ; Yabana, Kazuhiro ; Burgdörfer, Joachim Protocol for observing molecular dipole excitations by attosecond self-streakingArtikel Article2015
14Nagele, Stefan ; Pazourek, Renate ; Wachter, Georg ; Wais, Michael ; Ning, Qi-Cheng ; Peng, Liang-You ; Burgdörfer, Joachim Time-resolved photoemission from simple molecules and endohedral fullerenesPräsentation Presentation2014
15Nagele, Stefan ; Pazourek, Renate ; Wachter, Georg ; Wais, Michael ; Ning, Qi-Cheng ; Peng, Liang-You ; Burgdörfer, Joachim Attosecond Chronoscopy of PhotoemissionPräsentation Presentation2014
16Nagele, S ; Pazourek, R ; Wais, M ; Wachter, G ; Burgdörfer, J Time-resolved photoemission using attosecond streakingKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2014