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Rom, Antonia

Results 1-20 of 27 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Miltner, Martin ; Kirchbacher, Florian ; Rom, Antonia ; Wukovits, Walter ; Harasek, Michael ; Friedl, Anton Pervaporation for effective in-situ Butanol recovery in ABE fermentationKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2017
2Miltner, Martin ; Kirchbacher, Florian ; Rom, Antonia ; Wukovits, Walter ; Harasek, Michael ; Friedl, Anton Solvent Recovery From ABE Solutions Applying Pervaporation Under Realistic Process ConditionsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2017
3Rom, Antonia Comparison of downstream processes for the recovery of acetone-butanol-ethanol from aqueous solutionsThesis Hochschulschrift2017
4Miltner, Martin ; Kirchbacher, Florian ; Rom, Antonia ; Wukovits, Walter ; Harasek, Michael ; Friedl, Anton Membrane processes as the key technology in cascaded valorization of municipal organic wastePräsentation Presentation 2017
5Harasek, Michael ; Rom, Antonia ; Miltner, Martin Downstream processing of ABE-fermentation: Separation of acetone, butanol, ethanol and hydrogen from ABE process streamsPräsentation Presentation2016
6Rom, Antonia ; Miltner, Angela ; Wukovits, Walter ; Friedl, Anton Energy saving potential of hybrid membrane and distillation process in butanol purification: Experiments, modelling and simulationArtikel Article 2016
7Rom, Antonia ; Friedl, Anton Investigation of pervaporation performance of POMS membrane during separation of butanol from water and the effect of added acetone and ethanolArtikel Article 2016
8Wukovits, Walter ; Rom, Antonia ; Miltner, Angela ; Drljo, Adela HyTime - Low temperature hydrogen production from second generation biomass (Projekt-Endbericht)Bericht Report2015
9Wukovits, Walter ; Rom, Antonia ; Miltner, Angela ; Drljo, Adela ; Friedl, Anton Balancing and Integration of Biohydrogen and Biogas Production from 2nd Generation BiomassPräsentation Presentation2015
10Wukovits, Walter ; Rom, Antonia ; Miltner, Angela ; Drljo, Adela ; Friedl, Anton HyTime - Herstellung von Wasserstoff aus Biomasse der 2. Generation bei niedrigen TemperaturenPräsentation Presentation2015
11Wukovits, Walter ; Drljo, Adela ; Rom, Antonia ; Miltner, Angela ; Friedl, Anton Mass and energy balances of integrated biohydrogen and biogas production from 2nd generation biomassPräsentation Presentation2015
12Rom, Antonia ; Harasek, Michael ; Friedl, Anton Hybrid processes for the recovery of solventsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2015
13Rom, Antonia ; Friedl, Anton Investigation of pervaporation process with the help of design of experimentKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2015
14Rom, Antonia ; Wukovits, Walter ; Anton, Friedl Development of a vacuum membrane distillation unit operation: From experimental data to a simulation modelArtikel Article Dec-2014
15Rom, Antonia ; Strommer, Martin ; Friedl, Anton Comparison of Sweepgas and Vacuum Membrane Distillation as In-Situ Separation of Ethanol from Aqueous SolutionsPräsentation Presentation2014
16Rom, Antonia ; Esteve Gimeno, Diana ; Friedl, Anton A User-defined Pervaporation Unit Operation in AspenPlus© on the Basis of Experimental Results from Three Different Organophilic MembranesPräsentation Presentation2014
17Rom, Antonia ; Strommer, Martin ; Friedl, Anton Comparison of Sweepgas and Vacuum Membrane Distillation as In-Situ Separation of Ethanol from Aqueous SolutionsArtikel Article2014
18Rom, Antonia ; Esteve Gimeno, Diana ; Friedl, Anton A User-defined Pervaporation Unit Operation in AspenPlus© on the Basis of Experimental Results from Three Different Organophilic MembranesArtikel Article2014
19Rom, Antonia ; Esteve Gimeno, Diana ; Soldo, Denis ; Friedl, Anton Ethanol reeovery from aqueous solutions with lhree different proeesses: gasstripping, pervaporation and its hybrid eombinationKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2014
20Rom, Antonia ; Esteve Gimeno, Diana ; Friedl, Anton Pervaporation: Study on different membranes to separate butanol from aqueous solutionsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2013

Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthors / EditorsTitleTypeIssue Date
1Strommer Martin - 2016 - Rueckgewinnung fluechtiger Komponenten aus beladenen...pdf.jpgStrommer, Martin Rückgewinnung flüchtiger Komponenten aus beladenen GasströmenThesis Hochschulschrift 2016
2Friedl, Anton ; Rom, Antonia Workshop on ABE Fermentation - commercialisation status and hurdlesKonferenzband Proceedings2015
3Soldo, Denis Strippen von Ethanol - experimentelle und simulationstechnische BetrachtungThesis Hochschulschrift2014