Full name Familienname, Vorname
Georgiou, Ioannis
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

Results 1-12 of 12 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Georgiou, Ioannis A. ; Ziherl, Primož ; Kahl, Gerhard Antinematic local order in dendrimer liquidsArtikel Article2014
2Georgiou Ioannis - 2014 - Simulations of soft matter systems.pdf.jpgGeorgiou, Ioannis Simulations of soft matter systemsThesis Hochschulschrift 2014
3Georgiou, Giannis ; Blaak, Ronald ; Ziherl, Primoz ; Kahl, Gerhard On the shape of dendrimersPräsentation Presentation2013
4Georgiou, Giannis ; Blaak, Ronald ; Ziherl, Primoz ; Kahl, Gerhard Antinematic local order in dendrimer liquidsPräsentation Presentation2013
5Theodorakis, Panagiotis ; Georgiou, Giannis ; Fytas, G. Specific Heat Exponent of Random-Field ising MagnetsArtikel Article2013
6Fytas, Nikolaos G. ; Theodorakis, Panagiotis E. ; Georgiou, Ioannis ; Lelidis, Ioannis Critical aspects of the random-field Ising modelArtikel Article2013
7Theodorakis, Panagiotis E. ; Georgiou, Ioannis ; Fytas, Nikolaos G. Fluctuations and criticality in the random-field Ising modelArtikel Article2013
8Georgiou, Giannis ; Blaak, Ronald ; Ziherl, Primoz ; Kahl, Gerhard Large amphiphilic dendrimers: structure, orientation and effective pair interactionsPräsentation Presentation2012
9Georgiou, Giannis Large amphiphilic dendrimers: structure, orientation and effective pair interactionsPräsentation Presentation2012
10Georgiou, Giannis Structure, orientation and effective pair interactions of large amphiphilic dendrimersPräsentation Presentation2012
11Georgiou, Giannis ; Ziherl, Primoz ; Kahl, Gerhard Large amphiphilic dendrimers: structure, orientation and effective pair interactionsPräsentation Presentation2012
12Georgiou, Giannis ; Athanasopoulou, Labrini ; Ziherl, Primoz ; Kahl, Gerhard Large amphiphilic dendrimers: internal structure and effective pair interactionsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2011