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Besser, Charlotte
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Results 1-17 of 17 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Frauscher, Marcella ; Agocs, Adam ; Besser, Charlotte ; Rögner, Alexandra ; Allmaier, Günter ; Dörr, Nicole Time-resolved quantification of phenolic antioxidants and oxidation products in a model fuel by GC-EI-MS/MSArtikel Article 2020
2Frauscher, Marcella ; Besser, Charlotte ; Allmaier, Günter ; Dörr, Nicole Elucidation of oxidation and degradation products of oxygen containing fuel components by combined use of a stable isotopic tracer and mass spectrometryArtikel Article 2017
3Frauscher, Marcella ; Besser, Charlotte ; Dörr, Nicole ; Allmaier, Günter Identification of oxidation products of lubricant and fuel components by combination of gas-phase isotope labelling combined with capillary gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS)Präsentation Presentation2017
4Frauscher, Marcella ; Besser, Charlotte ; Allmaier, Günter ; Dörr, Nicole Oxidation products of ester-based oils with and without antioxidant identified by stable isotope labelling and mass spectrometryArtikel Article 2017
5Besser Charlotte - 2015 - Impact of bio-ethanol as oxygenated fuel component in...pdf.jpgBesser, Charlotte Impact of bio-ethanol as oxygenated fuel component in gasoline on the engine oil performanceThesis Hochschulschrift 2015
6Besser, Charlotte ; Steinschütz, Karoline ; Dörr, Nicole ; Novotny-Farkas, Franz ; Allmaier, Günter Impact of engine oil degradation on wear and corrosion caused by acetic acid evaluated by chassis dynamometer bench testsArtikel Article 2014
7Besser, Charlotte ; Dörr, Nicole ; Novotny-Farkas, Franz ; Varmuza, Kurt ; Allmaier, Günter Comparison of engine oil degradation observed in laboratory alteration and in the engine by chemometricdata evaluationArtikel Article 2013
8Dörr, Nicole ; Besser, Charlotte ; Varmuza, Kurt ; Allmaier, Günter Degradation mechanisms of engine oils by stress in laboratory and engine - investigations by IR and chemometricsPräsentation Presentation2013
9Besser, Charlotte ; Schneidhofer, Christoph ; Dörr, Nicole ; Novotny-Farkas, Franz ; Allmaier, Günter Investigation of long-term engine oil performance using lab-based artificial ageing illustrated by the impact of ethanol as fuel componentArtikel Article 2012
10Besser, Charlotte ; Lenauer, Claudia ; Steinschütz, Karoline ; Novotny-Farkas, Franz Chemical Evaluation Of Engine Oil Performance In The Presence Of Bio-Ethanol By Artificial AlterationPräsentation Presentation2011
11Lenauer, Claudia ; Besser, Charlotte ; Steinschütz, Karoline ; Wopelka, Thomas ; Jech, Martin ; Novotny-Farkas, Franz ; Franek, Friedrich Nanoscopic Wear Tests Using Engine Oil Aged With Ethanol Combustion ProductsPräsentation Presentation2011
12Franek, Friedrich ; Steinschütz, Karoline ; Lenauer, Claudia ; Besser, Charlotte ; Dörr, Nicole ; Jech, Martin Der Einfluss auf das Alterungsverhalten von Motorölen durch die künstliche Alterung mit Ethanol-VerbrennungsproduktenKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2011
13Jech, Martin ; Wopelka, Thomas ; Besser, Charlotte ; Lenauer, Claudia ; Steinschütz, Karoline ; Novotny-Farkas, Franz Lubricity Of Engine Oils Due To Aging With Ethanol Combustion ProductsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2011
14Steinschütz, Karoline ; Urbanek, Michael ; Lenauer, Claudia ; Besser, Charlotte ; Jech, Martin ; Wopelka, Thomas ; Novotny-Farkas, Franz ; Pauschitz, Andreas Model and real engine wear testing with ethanol-fuel contaminations in the lubricantPräsentation Presentation2010
15Besser, Charlotte ; Dörr, Nicole ; Novotny-Farkas, Franz ; Franek, Friedrich Optimierung von Motorölen mit erhöhter Biokraftstoff-KompatibilitätKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010
16Steinschütz, Karoline ; Geringer, Bernhard ; Urbanek, Michael ; Jech, Martin ; Wopelka, Thomas ; Besser, Charlotte Impact of Oil Aging on Wear of Piston Ring and Cylinder LinerKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2010
17Besser, Charlotte ; Schneidhofer, Christoph ; Dörr, Nicole ; Farkas, Franz ; Allmaier, Günter Economic approach for the investigation of long-term engine oil performance using lab-based artificial ageingKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010