Full name Familienname, Vorname
Bachmann, Sebastian
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Results 1-19 of 19 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Bachmann, Sebastian ; Pahr, Dieter ; Synek, Alexander Inverse Bone Remodelling: Towards Predicting the Hip Joint Pressure DistributionPresentation Vortrag12-Dec-2023
2Dunmore, Christopher ; Bachmann, Sebastian ; Synek, Alexander ; Kivell, Tracy ; Skinner, Matthew First insights into trabecular bone distribution in the first metacarpal of Homo nalediArticle Artikel24-Oct-2023
3Pietrobelli, Annalisa ; Tsegai, Zewdi ; Bachmann, Sebastian ; Synek, Alexander ; Kivell, Tracy ; Skinner, Matthew Comparing the trabecular structure of distal tibiae in extant hominid taxa: potential for inferring locomotor behaviourArticle Artikel24-Oct-2023
4Lukova, Andrea ; Bachmann, Sebastian ; Kivell, Tracy ; Skinner, Matthew Trabecular distribution of proximal tibia in extant apesArticle Artikel24-Oct-2023
5Lukova, Andrea ; Bachmann, Sebastian ; Kivell, Tracy ; Skinner, Matthew Trabecular distribution of proximal tibia in extant apesPresentation Vortrag22-Sep-2023
6Pietrobelli, Annalisa ; Tsegai, Zewdi ; Bachmann, Sebastian ; Synek, Alexander ; Kivell, Tracy ; Skinner, Matthew Comparing the trabecular structure of distal tibiae in extant hominid taxa: potential for inferring locomotor behaviourPresentation Vortrag22-Sep-2023
7Dunmore, Christopher ; Bachmann, Sebastian ; Synek, Alexander ; Kivell, Tracy ; Skinner, Matthew First insights into trabecular bone distribution in the first metacarpal of Homo nalediPresentation Vortrag21-Sep-2023
8Bachmann, Sebastian ; Pahr, Dieter ; Synek, Alexander Homogenized FE Models Can Predict Hip Joint Loading Using Inverse Bone Remodeling at the Femoral HeadInproceedings KonferenzbeitragJul-2023
9Pahr, Dieter ; Bachmann, Sebastian ; Synek, Alexander Mixed uniform boundary conditions improve homogenized FE models of bone-screws and inverse remodellingInproceedings KonferenzbeitragJul-2023
10Bachmann-2023-Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine-vor.pdf.jpgBachmann, Sebastian ; Pahr, Dieter ; Synek, Alexander Hip joint load prediction using inverse bone remodeling with homogenized FE models: Comparison to micro-FE and influence of material modeling strategyArticle Artikel Jun-2023
11Bachmann-2022-Annals of Biomedical Engineering-vor.pdf.jpgBachmann, Sebastian ; Pahr, Dieter H ; Synek, Alexander A Density-Dependent Target Stimulus for Inverse Bone (Re)modeling with Homogenized Finite Element ModelsArticle Artikel May-2023
12Bachmann Sebastian - 2023 - Enhancement of biomechanical and morphometric tools...pdf.jpgBachmann, Sebastian Enhancement of biomechanical and morphometric tools for the inference of habitual activity from bone microstructureThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
13Dunmore-2023-AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY-vor.pdf.jpgDunmore, Christopher J. ; Bachmann, Sebastian ; Synek, Alexander ; Pahr, Dieter ; Skinner, Matthew ; Kivell, Tracy L. The deep trabecular structure of first metacarpals in extant hominidsArticle Artikel 2023
14Bachmann, Sebastian ; Pahr, Dieter ; Synek, Alexander Inverse bone remodeling allows for prediction of physiological peak joint loads using clinically feasible homogenized finite element modelsPresentation VortragSep-2022
15Bachmann, Sebastian ; Pahr, Dieter ; Synek, Alexander Homogenized-FE-based Inverse Bone Remodeling: Modified Optimization Criterion and Evaluation on the Distal RadiusPresentation Vortrag29-Jun-2022
16Bachmann-2022-Scientific Reports-vor.pdf.jpgBachmann, Sebastian ; Dunmore, Christopher ; Skinner, Matthew ; Pahr, Dieter ; Synek, Alexander A computational framework for canonical holistic morphometric analysis of trabecular boneArticle Artikel 25-Mar-2022
17Bachmann, Sebastian ; Synek, Alexander ; Pahr, Dieter H. A novel method for quantitative and statistical comparison of local differences in bone morphometryPräsentation Presentation2021
18Dunmore, Christopher J. ; Bachmann, Sebastian ; Synek, Alexander ; Kivell, Tracy L. ; Skinner, Matthew M. Degree of trabecular bone extension into the medullary cavity of the first metacarpal in Plio-Pleistocene homininsPräsentation Presentation2021
19Bachmann Sebastian - 2018 - Age sex and treatment related changes of bone...pdf.jpgBachmann, Sebastian Age, sex and treatment related changes of bone mineral density based on CT dataThesis Hochschulschrift 2018