Bachmann, S., Dunmore, C., Skinner, M., Pahr, D. H., & Synek, A. (2022). A computational framework for canonical holistic morphometric analysis of trabecular bone. Scientific Reports, 12, Article 5187.
Animals; Bone and Bones; Primates; Cancellous Bone; Femur
Bone is a remarkable, living tissue that functionally adapts to external loading. Therefore, bone shape and internal structure carry information relevant to many disciplines, including medicine, forensic science, and anthropology. However, morphometric comparisons of homologous regions across different individuals or groups are still challenging. In this study, two methods were combined to quantify such differences: (1) Holistic morphometric analysis (HMA) was used to quantify morphometric values in each bone, (2) which could then be mapped to a volumetric mesh of a canonical bone created by a statistical free-form deformation model (SDM). Required parameters for this canonical holistic morphometric analysis (cHMA) method were identified and the robustness of the method was evaluated. The robustness studies showed that the SDM converged after one to two iterations, had only a marginal bias towards the chosen starting image, and could handle large shape differences seen in bones of different species. Case studies were performed on metacarpal bones and proximal femora of different primate species to confirm prior study results. The differences between species could be visualised and statistically analysed in both case studies. cHMA provides a framework for performing quantitative comparisons of different morphometric quantities across individuals or groups. These comparisons facilitate investigation of the relationship between spatial morphometric variations and function or pathology, or both.
Project title:
Pathways to humanity: Adaptive niche diversity at the origins of the human lineage: 819960 (Europäischer Forschungsrat (ERC))