Full name Familienname, Vorname
Gager, Jakob
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Results 1-20 of 26 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Gager, J. ; Pettermann, H.E. FEM Modeling of Multilayered Textile Composites Based on Shell ElementsArtikel Article 2015
2Gager, Jakob ; Pettermann, Heinz E. Numerical Predictions of the Nonlinear Behavior of Bi-Axial BraidingsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2014
3Schwab, Martin ; Gager, Jakob ; Pettermann, Heinz E. Assessing Material Nonlinearities in Large Composite Structures by Predicting Energy Dissipations at the MesoscaleKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2014
4Gager, Jakob Modeling and Simulation Concepts for Advanced Braided CompositesBuch Book2014
5Pettermann, Heinz E. ; Broger, Johannes ; Gager, Jakob Nonlinear Predictions in Laminated Composites and StructuresKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2014
6Wolfahrt, Markus ; Cichosz, Jörg ; Gager, Jakob ; Fleischmann, Martin Materialmodellierung von kohlenstofffaserverstärkten GeflechtlaminatenArtikel Article2013
7Pettermann, Heinz E. ; Gager, Jakob ; Kholkin, Andrei ; Fleischmann, Martin ; Wolfahrt, Markus ; Pinter, Gerald Simulations and Experiments of Three Point Bending Laminates with Ply Failure and DelaminationKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2013
8Pettermann, Heinz E. ; Gager, Jakob ; Meindlhumer, Martin ; Schwab, Martin Damage Evolution Predictions in Large Laminated Composite StructuresPräsentation Presentation2013
9Pettermann, Heinz E. ; Rama Lista, Eloy ; Gager, Jakob Delamination Induced Ply Damage - Nonlinear Simulations Accounting for Degradation of Layer and Interface Properties SimultaneouslyKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2013
10Gager, Jakob ; Meindlhumer, Martin ; Schwab, Martin ; Pettermann, Heinz E. Numerically Predicted Damage and Failure Envelopes of Composites Featuring Nonlinear Material BehaviorKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2013
11Gager Jakob - 2013 - Modeling and simulation concepts for advanced braided...pdf.jpgGager, Jakob Modeling and simulation concepts for advanced braided compositesThesis Hochschulschrift 2013
12Gager, J. ; Pettermann, H.E. Numerical Homogenization of Textile Composites Based on Shell Element DiscretizationArtikel Article 2012
13Gager, Jakob ; Cichosz, Jörg ; Wolfahrt, Markus ; Hinterhölzl, Roland ; Pettermann, Heinz E. ; Fleischmann, Martin ; Schubert, Matthias Materialmodellierung von kohlenstofffaserverstärkten GeflechtlaminatenPräsentation Presentation2012
14Gager, Jakob ; Pettermann, Heinz E. Shell Element Based Homogenization of Textile CompositesPräsentation Presentation2012
15Gager, Jakob ; Pettermann, Heinz E. The Mechanical Performance of Laminated Structures - A Simulation Concept Integrating Ply and InterfacePräsentation Presentation2012
16Gager, Jakob ; Cichosz, Jörg ; Wolfahrt, Markus ; Pettermann, Heinz E. ; Hinterhölzl, Roland ; Pinter, Gerald ; Noisternig, Johannes Werkstoffcharakterisierung, Materialmodellierung und Simulation am Beispiel von kohlenstofffaserverstärkten GeflechtlaminatenPräsentation Presentation2012
17Pettermann, Heinz E. ; Gager, Jakob ; Flatscher, Thomas ; Rama Lista, Eloy The Mechanical Performance of Laminated Structures - A Simulation Concept Integrating Ply and Interface Non-LinearitiesPräsentation Presentation2012
18Pettermann, Heinz E. ; Gager, Jakob ; Rama Lista, Eloy ; Flatscher, Thomas Elasto-Plasto-Damage Modeling of Laminated CompositesKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2012
19Gager, Jakob ; Pettermann, Heinz E. Multi-Layered Textile Composites - A Shell Element Based Homogenization ApproachKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2012
20Gager, Jakob ; Pettermann, Heinz E. Assessing the Operation Load Range of Non-Linear Textile Composites by Means of Stress EnvelopesKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2012

Results 1-1 of 1 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Schwab Martin - 2013 - Prediction of energy dissipation due to material...pdf.jpgSchwab, Martin Prediction of energy dissipation due to material nonlinearities and its application to textile compositesThesis Hochschulschrift 2013