Full name Familienname, Vorname
Veiter, Alexander
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Veiter Alexander - 2013 - Improvements of the numerical implementation of matrix...pdf.jpgVeiter, Alexander Improvements of the numerical implementation of matrix elements used to calculate fusion relevant ion-atom collisionsThesis Hochschulschrift 2013
2Aumayr, Friedrich ; Veiter, A. ; Igenbergs, Katharina ; Wallerberger, Markus Atomic-orbital close-coupling calculations for collisions of highly charged ions with atomic hydrogenPräsentation Presentation2013
3Igenbergs, K ; Schweinzer, J ; Veiter, A ; Perneczky, L ; Frühwirth, E ; Wallerberger, M ; Olson, R E ; Aumayr, F Charge exchange and ionisation in N⁷⁺-, N⁶⁺-, C⁶⁺- H(n = 1,2) collisions studied systematically by theoretical approachesArtikel Article 2012
4Igenbergs, Katharina ; Olsen, R.E. ; Schweinzer, Josef ; Veiter, A. ; Wallerberger, Markus ; Perneczky, L. ; Aumayr, Friedrich Cross sections for neutral hydrogen beam diagnostics of hot fusion plasmasPräsentation Presentation2010