Full name Familienname, Vorname
Reischl, Michael
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

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1Führer, Markus ; Jacob, Aurelie Anna Florence ; Reischl, Michael ; Zamberger, Sabine ; Povoden-Karadeniz, Erwin Thermodynamic assessment of the AlN precipitate phase for Applied Calphad in microalloyed steelInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag26-Jun-2023
2Zamberger, Sabine ; Pudar, Milan ; Spiradek-Hahn, Krystina ; Reischl, Michael ; Kozeschnik, Ernst Numerical simulation of the evolution of primary and secondary Nb(CN), Ti(CN) and AlN in Nb-microalloyed steel during continuous castingArtikel Article2012