Full name Familienname, Vorname
Gloss, Jonas
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

Results 1-17 of 17 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Flajšman, Lukáš ; Wagner, Kai ; Vaňatka, Marek ; Gloss, Jonáš ; Křižáková, Viola ; Schmid, Michael ; Schultheiss, Helmut ; Urbánek, Michal Zero-field propagation of spin waves in waveguides prepared by focused ion beam direct writingArtikel Article 2020
2Wojewoda, O. ; Hula, T. ; Flajsman, Lukás ; Vaňatka, M. ; Gloss, Jonas ; Holobrádek, J. ; Staňo, M. ; Stienen, S. ; Körber, L. ; Schultheiss, K. ; Schmid, Michael ; Schultheiss, Helmut ; Urbanek, Michael Propagation of spin waves through a Néel domain wallArtikel Article 2020
3Gloss Jonas - 2019 - Metastable iron-nickel thin films.pdf.jpgGloss, Jonas Metastable iron-nickel thin filmsThesis Hochschulschrift 2019
4Gloss, Jonas ; Horký, Michal ; Křižáková, Viola ; Flajšman, Lukáš ; Schmid, Michael ; Urbánek, Michal ; Varga, Peter The growth of metastable fcc Fe₇₈Ni₂₂ thin films on H-Si(100) substrates suitable for focused ion beam direct magnetic patterningArtikel Article 2019
5Gloss, Jonas Magnetic nanostructures in metastable fcc Fe thin films on Cu(100) and Si(100)Präsentation Presentation2018
6Gloss, Jonas Magnetic nanostructures in metastable fcc Fe on Si(100)Präsentation Presentation2018
7Gloss, Jonas Magnetic nanostructures in metastable fcc Fe thin films on Si(100)Präsentation Presentation2018
8Urbanek, Michael ; Flajsman, L. ; Viola, Křizáková ; Gloss, Jonas ; Horký, M. ; Schmid, Michael ; Varga, Peter Research Update: Focused ion beam direct writing of magnetic patterns with controlled structural and magnetic propertiesArtikel Article 2018
9Gloss, Jonas Ion-Beam-induced magnetic transformation of metastable fcc Fe on different substratesPräsentation Presentation2017
10Gloss, Jonas Ion-beam-induced magnetic and structural phase transformation of fcc Fe thin films on different substratesPräsentation Presentation2017
11Gloss, Jonas Ion-beam-induced magnetic and structural phase transformation of fcc Fe thin films on different substratesPräsentation Presentation2016
12Gloss, Jonas Ion-beam-induced magnetic and structural phase transformation of fcc Fe thin films on different substratesPräsentation Presentation2016
13Gloss, Jonas Ferromagnetic nanostructures produced on metastable fcc Fe film on H-Si(100) and diamond by focused ion beamPräsentation Presentation2016
14Gloss, Jonas ; Křizáková, Viola ; Flajsman, L. ; Horký, M. ; Urbanek, Michael ; Varga, Peter Transformation of paramagnetic fcc Fe into ferromagnetic bcc Fe by Focused Ion BeamsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2016
15Gloss, Jonas ; Horký, M. ; Schmid, Michael ; Urbanek, Michael ; Varga, Peter Ion-beam-induced structural and magnetic phase transformation off cc Fe₇₈Ni₂₂ thin filmsPräsentation Presentation2015
16Gloss, Jonas Ion-beam-induced magnetic and structural phase transformation of fcc Fe thin filmsPräsentation Presentation2014
17Gloss, Jonas ; Shah Zaman, Sameena ; Jonner, Jakub ; Novotny, Zbynek ; Schmid, Michael ; Varga, Peter ; Urbanek, Michael Ion-beam-induced magnetic and structural phase transformation of Ni-stabilized face-centered-cubic Fe films on Cu(100)Artikel Article2013