Full name Familienname, Vorname
Roth, Werner
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

Results 1-8 of 8 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Poisel, Rainer ; Frühwirt, Thomas ; Mölk, M. ; Roth, Werner Numerical modelling of rock mass falls Lärchberg-Galgenwald landslide (Austria).Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2005
2Tentschert, Ewald-Hans ; Poisel, Rainer ; Preh, Alexander ; Roth, Werner The Oselitzenbach landslide (Austria) - triggering runout and risk evaluation.Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2005
3Roth Werner - 2003 - Dreidimensionale numerische Simulation von...pdf.jpgRoth, Werner Dreidimensionale numerische Simulation von Felsmassenstürzen mittels der Methode der Distinkten Elemente (PFC)Thesis Hochschulschrift 2003
4Poisel, Rainer ; Tentschert, Ewald-Hans ; Roth, Werner ; Preh, Alexander Workpackage 2- Establishment of scenarious on the basis of field analysis: application of geology, geomorphology and tectonics.Bericht Report2002
5Poisel, Rainer ; Tentschert, Ewald-Hans ; Roth, Werner ; Preh, Alexander Workpackage 1 - Collection, analysis and organisation of the existing data for each selected site.Bericht Report2002
6Poisel, Rainer ; Tentschert, Ewald-Hans ; Roth, Werner ; Preh, Alexander Workpackage 3- Establishment of scenarious on the basis of mechanical modelling: application of numerical methods.Bericht Report2002
7Poisel, Rainer ; Tentschert, Ewald-Hans ; Roth, Werner ; Preh, Alexander Workpackage 8- Establishment of mitigation strategies in the short and long term and evaluation of residual risk within several legal frameworksBericht Report2002
8Poisel, Rainer ; Tentschert, Ewald-Hans ; Roth, Werner ; Preh, Alexander Workpackage 4- Establishment of scenarious on the basis of mechanical run-out modelling: application of numerical methods.Bericht Report2002