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Dreer, Sabine

Results 1-2 of 2 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Dreer, Sabine ; Wilhartitz, Peter ; Satory, B ; Tessadri, Richard ; Piplits, Kurt ; Mayerhofer, Karl Emanuel Accurate Determination of Trace Amounts of Oxygen in CrAlN Hard Coatings by a Combination of WDS-EPMA and SIMSArtikel Article2006
2Dreer, Sabine ; Wilhartitz, Peter ; Piplits, Kurt ; Hutter, Herbert ; Kopnarski, M ; Friedbacher, Gernot Quantitative Sputter Depth Profiling on Silicon- and Aluminium Oxinitride FilmsArtikel Article2000