Full name Familienname, Vorname
Flores, Oscar
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Catalan-2024-Acta Mechanica-vor.pdf.jpgCatalán, Juan Manuel ; Moriche, M. ; Flores, Oscar ; García-Villalba, M. On the settling of a spherical particle in slightly perturbed ambient fluidArticle Artikel 30-Jan-2024
2Guerrero-Hurtado-2023-PLoS Computational Biology-vor.pdf.jpgGuerrero-Hurtado, Manuel ; Garcia-Villalba, Manuel ; Gonzalo, Alejandro ; Martinez-Legazpi, Pablo ; Kahn, Andrew M ; McVeigh, Elliot ; Bermejo, Javier ; Del Alamo, Juan C ; Flores, Oscar Efficient multi-fidelity computation of blood coagulation under flowArticle Artikel Oct-2023
3Duran Venegas-2023-Computers in Biology and Medicine-vor.pdf.jpgDurán Venegas, Eduardo ; García-Villalba, Manuel ; Martínez-Legazpi, Pablo ; Gonzalo, Alejandro ; McVeigh, Elliot ; Kahn, Andrew M. ; Bermejo, Javier ; Flores, Oscar ; del Álamo, Juan Carlos Pulmonary vein flow split effects in patient-specific simulations of left atrial flowArticle Artikel Sep-2023