Full name Familienname, Vorname
Galler, Anna
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

Results 1-20 of 32 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Ransmayr, Valentin ; Tomczak, Jan M. ; Galler, Anna Relation between crystal structure and optical properties in the correlated blue pigment YIn₁₋ ₓ Mnₓ O₃Article Artikel 1-Oct-2022
2Galler, Anna ; Kaufmann, Josef ; Gunacker, Patrik ; Pickem, Matthias ; Thunström, Patrik ; Tomczak, Jan M. ; Held, Karsten Towards ab initio Calculations with the Dynamical Vertex ApproximationArtikel Article 2018
3Galler, Anna Towards a realistic description of materials with strong electronic correlationsPräsentation Presentation2017
4Galler, Anna Towards a realistic description of materials with strong electronic correlationsPräsentation Presentation2017
5Galler, Anna Towards a realistic description of materials with strong electronic correlationsPräsentation Presentation2017
6Galler, Anna ; Thunström, Patrik ; Tomczak, Jan ; Held, Karsten Ab initio dynamical vertex approximationPräsentation Presentation2017
7Galler, Anna Screened moments and absence of ferromagnetism in FeAlPräsentation Presentation2017
8Galler, Anna Towards an ab-initio treatment of materials with local and non-local electronic correlationsPräsentation Presentation2017
9Tomczak, Jan ; Galler, Anna ; Thunström, Patrik ; Gunacker, Patrick ; Held, Karsten Ab initio Dynamical Vertex approximation (AbinitioDGA)Präsentation Presentation2017
10Galler, Anna ; Thunström, Patrik ; Gunacker, Patrik ; Tomczak, Jan M. ; Held, Karsten Ab initio dynamical vertex approximationArtikel Article 2017
11Galler Anna - 2017 - Towards an ab initio treatment of materials with local and...pdf.jpgGaller, Anna Towards an ab initio treatment of materials with local and non-local electronic correlationsThesis Hochschulschrift 2017
12Galler, Anna AbinitioDΓA: a new method for materials with nonlocal electronic correlationsPräsentation Presentation2016
13Galler, Anna Towards an ab-initio treatment of nonlocal electronic correlations with dynamical vertex approximationPräsentation Presentation2016
14Galler, Anna Towards an ab-initio treatment of nonlocal electronic correlations with dynamical vertex approximationPräsentation Presentation2016
15Galler, Anna Towards a realistic description of materials with strong electronic correlationsPräsentation Presentation2016
16Galler, Anna Towards a realistic description of materials with local and nonlocal electronic correlationsPräsentation Presentation2016
17Galler, Anna Screened moments and absence of ferromagnetism in FeAlPräsentation Presentation2015
18Galler, Anna ; Wallerberger, Markus ; Tomczak, Jan ; Held, Karsten The correlated semiconductor CrSb2Präsentation Presentation2015
19Galler, Anna Magnetic properties of FeAl: an LDA+DMFT studyPräsentation Presentation2015
20Galler, Anna Screened moments and absence of ferromagnetism in FeAlPräsentation Presentation2015