Full name Familienname, Vorname
Mollay, Ursula

Results 1-5 of 5 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Lederer, Jakob ; Gassner, Andreas ; Fellner, Johann ; Mollay, Ursula ; Schremmer, Christof Raw materials consumption and demolition waste generation of the urban building sector 2016-2050: A scenario-based material flow analysis of ViennaArtikel Article 2021
2Gassner, Andreas ; Lederer, Jakob ; Kovacic, Gerald ; Mollay, Ursula ; Schremmer, Christof ; Fellner, Johann Projection of material flows and stocks in the urban transport sector until 2050 - A scenario-based analysis for the city of ViennaArtikel Article 2021
3Lederer, Jakob ; Gassner, Andreas ; Keringer, Florian ; Mollay, Ursula ; Schremmer, Christoph ; Fellner, Johann Material Flows and Stocks in the Urban Building Sector: A Case Study from Vienna for the Years 1990-2015Artikel Article 2020
4Essig, Stephanie ; Hamedinger, Alexander ; Kintisch, Max ; Kretz, Simone ; Lutz, Melanie ; Madner, Verena ; Mayr, Stefan ; Mollay, Ursula ; Prochazka, Katharina ; Raho, Sebastian ; Schremmer, Christof SMart City Governance-Prozesse in kleinen und mittleren StädtenBericht Report2016
5Mollay Ursula - 2010 - Energy aware spatial planning impact potential of...pdf.jpgMollay, Ursula Energy aware spatial planning : impact potential of settlement structures and opportunities for assessment tools to support sustainable municipal developmentThesis Hochschulschrift 2010