Full name Familienname, Vorname
Stavrakis, Efstathios
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Results 1-14 of 14 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Bernhard, Matthias ; Stavrakis, Efstathios ; Hecher, Michael ; Wimmer, Michael Gaze-To-Object Mapping During Visual Search in 3D Virtual EnvironmentsArtikel Article 2014
2Bernhard, Matthias ; Stavrakis, Efstathios ; Wimmer, Michael An Empirical Pipeline to Derive Gaze Prediction Heuristics for 3D Action GamesArtikel Article2010
3Gelautz, Margrit ; Markovic, Danijela ; Stavrakis, Efstathios Non-photorealistic Rendering from Stereo ImagesPräsentation Presentation2009
4Stavrakis, Efstathios ; Gelautz, Margrit Interactive Tools for Image-based Stereoscopic ArtworkKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2008
5Sundstedt, Veronica ; Stavrakis, Efstathios ; Wimmer, Michael ; Reinhard, Erik A Psychophysical Study of Fixation Behavior in a Computer GameKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2008
6Stavrakis Efstathios - 2008 - Stereoscopic non-photorealistic rendering.pdf.jpgStavrakis, Efstathios Stereoscopic non-photorealistic renderingThesis Hochschulschrift 2008
7Gelautz, Margrit ; Bleyer, Michael ; Rhemann, Christoph ; Markovic, Danijela ; Stavrakis, Efstathios Video Object Segmentation and CompositingPräsentation Presentation2005
8Stavrakis, Efstathios ; Gelautz, Margrit Stereoscopic Painting with Varying Levels of DetailKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2005
9Stavrakis, Efstathios ; Gelautz, Margrit Computer Generated Stereoscopic ArtworkKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2005
10Stavrakis, Efstathios ; Bleyer, Michael ; Markovic, Danijela ; Gelautz, Margrit Image-Based Stereoscopic StylizationKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2005
11Markovic, Danijela ; Stavrakis, Efstathios ; Gelautz, Margrit Parameterized Sketches from Stereo ImagesKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2005
12Stavrakis, Efstathios ; Gelautz, Margrit Stereo Painting: Pleasing the Third EyeArtikel Article2005
13Stavrakis, Efstathios ; Gelautz, Margrit Image-Based Stereoscopic Painterly RenderingPräsentation Presentation2004
14Gelautz, Margrit ; Stavrakis, Efstathios ; Bleyer, Michael Stereo-based Image and Video Analysis for Multimedia ApplicationsPräsentation Presentation2004