Full name Familienname, Vorname
Hansy-Staudigl, Elisabeth
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

Results 1-18 of 18 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Hansy-Staudigl Elisabeth - 2020 - Nonlinear modeling and analysis of thin...pdf.jpgHansy-Staudigl, Elisabeth Nonlinear modeling and analysis of thin dielectric elastomer structures as electro-elastic material bodies and surfacesThesis Hochschulschrift 2020
2Hansy-Staudigl, Elisabeth ; Krommer, Michael ; Vetyukov, Yury ; Humer, Alexander Modeling electro-elastic coupling phenomena in electrostrictive polymers in the context of structural mechanicsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2019
3Hansy-Staudigl Elisabeth - 2019 - A complete direct approach to nonlinear...pdf.jpgHansy-Staudigl, Elisabeth ; Krommer, Michael ; Humer, Alexander A complete direct approach to nonlinear modeling of dielectric elastomer platesArticle Artikel 2019
4Hansy-Staudigl, Elisabeth ; Krommer, Michael ; Vetyukov, Yury ; Humer, Alexander Nonlinear electro-elastic modeling of thin dielectric elastomer plate actuatorsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2018
5Hansy-Staudigl, Elisabeth ; Krommer, Michael ; Vetyukov, Yury Modeling Electro-Active Dielectric And Electrostrictive Elastomer Plates In The Framework Of Nonlinear Structural Electro-MechanicsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2018
6Hansy-Staudigl, Elisabeth ; Krommer, Michael Nonlinear modeling of dielectric elastomer actuators accounting for elec- trostriction and polarisation saturationPräsentation Presentation2018
7Vetyukov Yu - 2018 - Hybrid asymptotic-direct approach to finite deformations of...pdf.jpgVetyukov, Yury ; Hansy-Staudigl, Elisabeth ; Krommer, Michael Hybrid asymptotic–direct approach to finite deformations of electromechanically coupled piezoelectric shellsArticle Artikel 2018
8Staudigl, Elisabeth ; Krommer, Michael ; Humer, Alexander Modeling of Dielectric Elastomers Accounting for Electrostriction by Means of a Multiplicative Decomposition of the Deformation Gradient TensorBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2018
9Humer, Alexander ; Hansy-Staudigl, Elisabeth ; Krommer, Michael Nonlinear electro-elasticity for piezoelectric materials and structures using a multiplicative decomposition of the deformation gradientKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2017
10Hansy-Staudigl, Elisabeth ; Krommer, Michael ; Vetyukov, Yury Nonlinear Modelling Of Dielectric Elastomer Single Layer Plates Using A Multiplicative Decomposition Of The Deformation Gradient To Account For ElectrostrictionKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2017
11Hansy-Staudigl, Elisabeth ; Krommer, Michael Elektro-aktive Polymere als Aktoren in der StrukturmechanikPräsentation Presentation2017
12Hansy-Staudigl, Elisabeth ; Krommer, Michael Charge-controlled actuation of dielectric elastomersPräsentation Presentation2017
13Hansy-Staudigl, Elisabeth ; Krommer, Michael Modelling of Dielectric Elastomers Accounting for Electrostriction by Means of a Multiplicative Decomposition of the Deformation Gradient TensorPräsentation Presentation2017
14Staudigl, Elisabeth ; Krommer, Michael ; Vetyukov, Yury Finite deformations of thin plates made of dielectric elastomers: Modeling, Numerics and StabilityArtikel Article 2017
15Krommer, Michael ; Hansy-Staudigl, Elisabeth ; Vetyukov, Yury Nonlinear modeling and analysis of electro-active plates: Stability, post-buckling behavior and nonlinear vibrationsPräsentation Presentation2016
16Krommer, Michael ; Vetyukov, Yury ; Hansy-Staudigl, Elisabeth Nonlinear modelling and analysis of thin piezoelectric plates: Buckling and post-buckling behaviourArtikel Article 2016
17Hansy-Staudigl, Elisabeth ; Vetyukov, Yury ; Krommer, Michael Modelling the nonlinear response of thin electroelastic platesPräsentation Presentation2015
18Hansy-Staudigl Elisabeth - 2015 - Impact of different spray patterns on...pdf.jpgHansy-Staudigl, Elisabeth Impact of different spray patterns on mixture-preparation and pre-ignition tendency of a direct-injection gasoline engineThesis Hochschulschrift 2015