Full name Familienname, Vorname
Ahmed, Amal El Gohary
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

Results 1-9 of 9 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Trischack-2023-Chemical Engineering Transactions-vor.pdf.jpgTrischack, Alexander ; Cabeza, Camila Alejandra ; Ahmed, Amal El Gohary ; Minauf, Mario ; Harasek, Michael Evaluation of activated carbon treatment in the decolourization of starch hydrolysatesArticle Artikel 30-Nov-2023
2Papadopoulou, Eleftheria ; Cabrera Gonzalez, Mayuki Maryoret Vivian ; Reif, Daniela ; Ahmed, Amal El Gohary ; Tsapekos, Panagiotis ; Angelidaki, Irini ; Harasek, Michael Separation of lactic acid from fermented residual resources using membrane technologyArticle Artikel Oct-2023
3Cabeza-2023-Properties Leading to Starch Hydrolysates Impurities and Memb...-vor.pdf.jpgCabeza, Camila Alejandra ; Ahmed, Amal El Gohary ; Minauf, Mario ; Harasek, Michael Properties Leading to Starch Hydrolysates Impurities and Membrane-Based Technologies as an Available Sustainable TreatmentInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag Sep-2023
4Cabeza-2023-Combining Ultrafiltration with Activated Carbon Adsorption Syn...-am.pdf.jpgCabeza, Camila Alejandra ; Ahmed, Amal El Gohary ; Trischack, Alexander ; Minauf, Mario ; Harasek, Michael Combining Ultrafiltration with Activated Carbon Adsorption: Synergy for Industrial Decolourisation of Starch HydrolysatesPresentation Vortrag 13-Apr-2023
5Cabeza, Camila Alejandra ; Ahmed, Amal El Gohary ; Harasek, Michael Sustainable Industrial Treatment of Starch HydrolysatesPresentation Vortrag30-Nov-2022
6Cabeza-2022-Chemical Engineering Transactions-vor.pdf.jpgCabeza, Camila ; Ahmed, Amal El Gohary ; Minauf, Mario ; Harasek, Michael Sustainable Industrial Treatment of Starch HydrolysatesArticle Artikel 30-Nov-2022
7Cabeza-2022-Integration of Membrane Processes for Decolourization of Starc...-ao.pdf.jpgCabeza, Camila Alejandra ; Ahmed, Amal El Gohary ; Minauf, Mario ; Harasek, Michael Integration of Membrane Processes for Decolourization of Starch HydrolysatesPresentation Vortrag 6-Sep-2022
8Cabeza-2022-Chemical Engineering Transactions-vor.pdf.jpgCabeza, Camila Alejandra ; Ahmed, Amal El Gohary ; Minauf, Mario ; Harasek, Michael Integration of Membrane Processes for Decolourization of Starch HydrolysatesArticle Artikel 1-Sep-2022
9Cabrera Gonzalez, Mayuki Maryoret Vivian ; Ahmed, Amal El Gohary ; Maamo, Khaled ; Salem, Mohammad ; Jordan, Christian ; Harasek, Michael Evaluation of Nanofiltration Membranes for Pure Lactic Acid PermeabilityArticle Artikel 8-Mar-2022

Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Al-Jayyousi Rawand Hossam-Aldeen Abed Al-Razaq - 2023 - Manufacture and...pdf.jpgAljayyousi, Rawand Hossam-Aldeen Abed Al-Razaq Manufacture and characterization of composite membranes by dipcoating for gas separation applicationsThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
2Gotsmy Raphael - 2021 - Decolourisation of starch hydrolysates using...pdf.jpgGotsmy, Raphael Decolourisation of starch hydrolysates using ultrafiltrationThesis Hochschulschrift 2021
3Meunier, Nicolas Experimental investigation of thin sugar juice concentration through nanofiltration and reverse osmosis membranesThesis Hochschulschrift2013