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Puttonen, Eetu

Results 1-10 of 10 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Campos-2021-Perspectives on long-term TLS time-series to detect changes i...-vor.pdf.jpgCampos, Mariana ; Junttila, Samuli ; Shcherbacheva, Anna ; Wang, Yunsheng ; Liang, Xinlian ; Hyyppä, Juha ; Puttonen, Eetu Perspectives on long-term TLS time-series to detect changes in tree crownsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 1-Dec-2021
2Puttonen, Eetu ; Lehtomäki, Matti ; Litkey, Paula ; Näsi, Roope ; Feng, Ziyi ; Liang, Xinlian ; Wittke, Samantha ; Pandžić, Miloš ; Hakala, Teemu ; Karjalainen, Mika ; Pfeifer, Norbert A Clustering Framework for Monitoring Circadian Rhythm in Structural Dynamics in Plants From Terrestrial Laser Scanning Time SeriesArtikel Article 2019
3Puttonen, Eetu ; Bucksch, Alexander ; Zlinszky, András ; Pfeifer, Norbert Optical Approaches to Capture Plant Dynamics in Time, Space, and Across ScalesArtikel Article2018
4Puttonen, Ana ; Harzhauser, Mathias ; Puttonen, Eetu ; Mandic, Oleg ; Székely, Balázs ; Molnár, Gábor ; Pfeifer, Norbert Automatic determination of 3D orientations of fossilized oyster shells from a densely packed Miocene shell bedArtikel Article 2018
5Wang, Di ; Kankare, Ville ; Puttonen, Eetu ; Hollaus, Markus ; Pfeifer, Norbert Reconstructing Stem Cross Section Shapes From Terrestrial Laser ScanningArtikel Article 2017
6Djuricic, Ana ; Puttonen, Eetu ; Harzhauser, Mathias ; Dorninger, Peter ; Székely, Balázs ; Nothegger, Clemens ; Molnar, Gabor ; Pfeifer, Norbert Application of Reflectance Transformation Imaging Technique to Improve Automated Edge Detection in a Fossilized Oyster ReefKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2016
7Wang, Di ; Hollaus, Markus ; Puttonen, Eetu ; Pfeifer, Norbert Automatic and Self-Adaptive Stem Reconstruction in Landslide-Affected ForestsArtikel Article 2016
8Djuricic, Ana ; Puttonen, Eetu ; Dorninger, Peter ; Nothegger, Clemens ; Harzhauser, Mathias ; Mandic, Oleg ; Székely, Balázs ; Pfeifer, Norbert 3D Laser Scanning and PaleontologyKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2016
9Puttonen, Eetu ; Briese, Christian ; Mandlburger, Gottfried ; Wieser, Martin ; Pfennigbauer, Martin ; Zlinszky, András ; Pfeifer, Norbert Quantification of Overnight Movement of Birch (Betula pendula) Branches and Foliage with Short Interval Terrestrial Laser ScanningArtikel Article 2016
10Harzhauser, Mathias ; Djuricic, Ana ; Mandic, Oleg ; Zuschin, Martin ; Dorninger, Peter ; Nothegger, Clemens ; Székely, Balázs ; Puttonen, Eetu ; Molnár, Gábor ; Pfeifer, Norbert Disentangling the history of complex multi-phased shell beds based on the analysis of 3D point cloud dataArtikel Article 2015

Results 1-1 of 1 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewEditor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Puttonen, Eetu ; Pfeifer, Norbert ; Bucksch, Alexander ; Zlinszky, András Optical Approaches to Capture Plant Dynamics in Time, Space, and Across ScalesBuch Book 2018