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Schuster, Roman

Results 1-16 of 16 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Jacob, Aurélie ; Schuster, Roman ; Solyom, Laszlo ; Keplinger, Andreas ; Povoden-Karadeniz, Erwin Study of Interface-Related Mechanisms in the Early Stage Precipitation of σ Phase in Hyper Duplex Stainless SteelsArticle Artikel 19-Dec-2023
2Schuster, Roman ; Keplinger, Andreas ; Jacob, Aurélie ; Kreyca, Johannes ; Solyom, Laszlo ; Maawad, Emad ; Povoden-Karadeniz, Erwin In-situ XRD investigation of σ phase precipitation kinetics during isothermal holding in a hyper duplex stainless steelArticle Artikel Sep-2023
3Linhardt-2023-Materials and Corrosion-vor.pdf.jpgLinhardt, Paul ; Biezma, Maria V. ; Haubner, Roland ; Schuster, Roman ; Wojcik, Tomasz Hollow wire corrosion of stainless steel ropes in a marine mooring system and its relation to microstructureArticle Artikel Jun-2023
4Hudak-2023-Corrosion Science-vor.pdf.jpgHudak, Oliver Ernst ; Bahr, Ahmed Adel Ibrahim ; Kutrowatz, Philip ; Wojcik, Tomasz ; Bohrn, Fabian ; Solyom, Laszlo ; Schuster, Roman ; Shang, Lin ; Hunold, Oliver ; Polcik, Peter ; Heller, Martina ; Felfer, Peter ; Ball, Günther ; Riedl-Tragenreif, Helmut Pitting corrosion – Preferred chloride diffusion pathways in physical vapor deposited AlCrN coatingsArticle Artikel Feb-2023
5Schuster, Roman ; Tiede, Lisa ; Ageeva, Olga ; Griffiths, Thomas ; Abart, Rainer ; Habler, Gerlinde Microstructure and Texture of a Spinel Corona Around a Basalt Hosted Corundum XenocrystalArticle Artikel Feb-2023
6Jacob, Aurelie Anna Florence ; Schuster, Roman ; Povoden-Karadeniz, Erwin Exploring the formation mechanism of σ phase in hyper duplex steels by in-situ experiments and computationPresentation Vortrag23-May-2022
7Ageeva, O. ; Habler, G. ; Gilder, S. A. ; Schuster, Roman ; Pertsev, A. ; Pilipenko, O. ; Bian, G. ; Abart, R. Oriented Magnetite Inclusions in Plagioclase: Implications for the Anisotropy of Magnetic RemanenceArticle Artikel 2-Feb-2022
8Kretschmer-2022-Materials  Design-vor.pdf.jpgKretschmer, Andreas ; Wojcik, Tomasz ; Schuster, Roman ; Yalamanchili, Kumar ; Rudigier, Helmut ; Mayrhofer, Paul Heinz Tuning of structure, grain orientation and mechanical properties in reactively sputtered (Al,Mo,Ta,V,W)NArticle Artikel Jan-2022
9Kretschmer, Andreas ; Wojcik, Tomasz ; Schuster, Roman ; Yalamanchili, Kumar ; Rudigier, Helmut ; Mayrhofer, Paul Heinz Tuning of structure, grain orientation and mechanical properties in reactively sputtered (Al,Mo,Ta,V,W)NPresentation Vortrag2022
10Kerber, Michael Bernhard ; Spieckermann, Florian ; Schuster, Roman ; von Baeckmann, Cornelia ; Fischer, Torben ; Schell, Norbert ; Waitz, Thomas ; Schafler, Erhard In Situ Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction during High-Pressure Torsion Deformation of Ni and NiTiArtikel Article Nov-2021
11Jacob, Aurélie ; Schuster, Roman ; Povoden-Karadeniz, Erwin Understanding the formation mechanism of σ phase in hyper duplex steels: experiments and computationPräsentation Presentation2021
12Kumar, Sanjeev ; Schuster, Roman ; Wojcik, Tomasz ; Keplinger, Andreas ; Povoden-Karadeniz, Erwin Orientation relationships between secondary and primary phases in aged hyper duplex steelPräsentation Presentation2021
13Schuster, Roman ; Habler, Gerlinde ; Tiede, Lisa ; Ageeva, Olga ; Abart, Rainer Influence of the reaction interface orientation on the microstructure and texture of spinel formed by topotactic growth on corundumPräsentation Presentation2021
14Schuster, Roman ; Habler, Gerlinde ; Schafler, Erhard ; Abart, Rainer Intragranular deformation mechanisms in calcite deformed by high-pressure torsion at room temperatureArtikel Article 7-Jan-2020
15Schuster, Roman ; Wojcik, Tomasz ; Povoden-Karadeniz, Erwin Deformation Induced Precipitation in Microalloyed Al-CuPräsentation Presentation2020
16Schuster, Roman ; Wojcik, Tomasz ; Povoden-Karadeniz, Erwin Deformation Induced Precipitation in Microalloyed Al-CuPräsentation Presentation2020

Results 1-1 of 1 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Solyom Laszlo - 2023 - Untersuchung der Bildung von -Phase in einem...pdf.jpgSolyom, Laszlo Untersuchung der Bildung von σ-Phase in einem Hyper-Duplex-Stahl während isothermer WärmebehandlungThesis Hochschulschrift 2023