Full name Familienname, Vorname
Sunguroglu Hensel, Defne
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

Results 1-12 of 12 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Weisser, Wolfgang ; Hensel, Michael Ulrich ; Barath, Shany ; Culshaw, Victoria ; Grobman, Yasha Jacob ; Hauck, Thomas ; Joschinski, Jens ; Ludwig, Ferdinand ; Mimet, Anne ; Perini, Katia ; Roccotiello, Enrica ; Schloter, Michael ; Shwartz, Assaf ; Sunguroglu Hensel, Defne ; Vogler, Verena Creating ecologically sound buildings by integrating ecology, architecture and computational designArticle Artikel 7-Dec-2022
2Tyc, Jakub Marcin ; Parisi, Erica Isabella ; Tucci, Grazia ; Sunguroglu Hensel, Defne ; Hensel, Michael Ulrich A data-integrated and performance-oriented parametric design process for terraced vineyardsPresentation Vortrag9-Jun-2022
3Hensel, Michael Ulrich ; Selami, Tina ; Tyc, Jakub Marcin ; Sunguroglu Hensel, Defne Development Process for ECOLOPES AlgorithmReport Bericht31-Mar-2022
4Sunguroglu Hensel, Defne ; Hensel, Michael Ulrich ; Tyc, Jakub Marcin Data-driven design for Architecture and Environment Integration Convergence of data-integrated workflows for understanding and designing environmentsArticle Artikel 1-Jan-2022
5Tyc, Jakub ; Parisi, Erica Isabella ; Tucci, Grazia ; Sunguroglu Hensel, Defne ; Hensel, Michael Ulrich A Data-integrated and Performance-oriented Parametric Design Process for Terraced VineyardsArticle Artikel 1-Jan-2022
6Tyc-2021-Remote Sensing-vor.pdf.jpgTyc, Jakub Marcin ; Sunguroglu Hensel, Defne ; Parisi, Erica Isabella ; Tucci, Grazia ; Hensel, Michael Ulrich Integration of Remote Sensing Data into a Composite Voxel Model for Environmental Performance Analysis of Terraced Vineyards in Tuscany, ItalyArticle Artikel Sep-2021
7Hensel, Michael ; Ludwig, Ferdinand ; Sunguroglu Hensel, Defne ; Höpfl, Lisa Initiating Research into Adapting Rural Hedging Techniques, Hedge Types, and Hedgerow Networks as Novel Urban Green SystemsArtikel Article 2021
8Hensel, Michael ; Sunguroglu Hensel, Defne Performances of Architectures and Environments - En Route to a Theory and FrameworkBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2020
9Hensel, Michael ; Sunguroglu Hensel, Defne Embedded Architectures: An Overarching Approach to Compound Sustainability Problems including Urban Climate MitigationBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2020
10Hensel, Michael Ulrich ; Sunguroglu Hensel, Defne Performances of Architectures and EnvironmentsBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2019
11Hensel, Michael ; Sunguroglu Hensel, Defne Performances of Architectures and Environments - En Route to a Theory and FrameworkBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2019
12Hensel, Michael ; Sunguroglu Hensel, Defne ; Sørensen, Søren Embedded Architectures: Inquiries into Architectures, Diffuse Heritage and Natural Environments in Search for better informed Design Approaches to SustainabilityArtikel Article2018

Results 1-1 of 1 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Vujovic, Milica ; Stojanovic, Djordje Human-Building Interaction: Sensing Technologies and DesignBook Contribution Buchbeitrag 9-Jul-2023