Hensel, M. U., Selami, T., Tyc, J. M., & Sunguroglu Hensel, D. (2022). Development Process for ECOLOPES Algorithm. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/153424
This report outlines the development of the ECOLOPES algorithmic design process. This entails the following objectives: (1) identification of a conceptual approach to urban form, (2) systematic approach to related types of data sets; (3) steps towards identifying a framework
for a generative algorithmic design process; and (4) identification of principal approaches for linking the ECOLOPES algorithmic design process to the ECOLOPES voxel (WP5) model and EIM Ontology (WP4, D4.1 Preliminary EIM Ontology), ensuring the required alignment with other parts of the ECOLOPES computational workflow (WP3 D 3.1 Prototype technical requirement report) and user workflow (WP1 D1.3 Report of Year 1). This work constitutes the first part of the algorithmic process that leads up to the detailed design process.
Project title:
ECOlogical building enveLOPES: a game-changing design approach for regenerative urban ecosystems: EU project 964414 (European Commission)
Research Areas:
Development and Advancement of the Architectural Arts: 50% Beyond TUW-research foci: 50%