Full name Familienname, Vorname
Hu, Shi-Min

Results 1-13 of 13 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Pottmann, Helmut ; Wallner, Johannes ; Yang, Yong-Liang ; Lai, Y. ; Hu, Shi-Min Principal curvatures from the integral invariant viewpointArtikel Article2007
2Lai, Y. ; Zhou, Q. ; Hu, Shi-Min ; Wallner, Johannes ; Pottmann, Helmut Robust feature classification and editingArtikel Article2007
3Yang, Yong-Liang ; Lai, Y. ; Hu, Shi-Min ; Pottmann, Helmut Robust principal curvatures on multiple scalesKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2006
4Pottmann, Helmut ; Huang, Qi-Xing ; Yang, Yong-Liang ; Hu, Shi-Min Geometry and convergence analysis of algorithms for registration of 3D shapesArtikel Article2006
5Lai, Y. ; Hu, Shi-Min ; Pottmann, Helmut Surface fitting based on a feature sensitive parametrizationArtikel Article2006
6Lai, Y. ; Zhou, Q. ; Hu, Shi-Min ; Wallner, Johannes ; Pottmann, Helmut Feature Sensitive Geometry ProcessingBericht Report2005
7Lai, Y. ; Hu, Shi-Min ; Pottmann, Helmut Surface Fitting Based on a Feature Sensitive ParametrizationBericht Report2005
8Hu, Shi-Min ; Wallner, Johannes A second order algorithm for orthogonal projection onto curves and surfacesArtikel Article2005
9Wallner, Johannes ; Schröcker, Hans-Peter ; Hu, Shi-Min Tolerances in Geometric Constraint ProblemsArtikel Article2005
10Wallner, Johannes ; Hu, Shi-Min ; Schröcker, Hans-Peter Tolerances in Geometric Constraint ProblemsBericht Report2004
11Pottmann, Helmut ; Huang, Qi-Xing ; Yang, Yong-Liang ; Hu, Shi-Min Geometry and convergence analysis of algorithms for registration of 3D shapesBericht Report2004
12Hu, Shi-Min ; Wallner, Johannes Error Propagation through Geometric TransformationsBericht Report2003
13Hu, Shi-Min ; Wallner, Johannes A second order algorithm for orthogonal projection onto curves and surfacesBericht Report2003

Results 1-1 of 1 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewEditor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Pottmann, Helmut ; Hu, Shi-Min 2004 Geometric Modeling and Processing, Theory and ApplicationsBuch Book2004