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Piplits, Kurt
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Results 1-19 of 19 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

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1Weiss, Victor ; Frank, Johannes ; Piplits, Kurt ; Szymanski, Wladyslaw ; Allmaier, Günter Corona discharge-based charge equilibration for nano electrospray gas-phase electrophoretic mobility molecular analysis (nES GEMMA instrumentation)Präsentation Presentation2020
2Weiss, Victor U. ; Frank, Johannes ; Piplits, Kurt ; Szymanski, Wladyslaw W. ; Allmaier, Günter Bipolar Corona Discharge-Based Charge Equilibration for Nano Electrospray Gas-Phase Electrophoretic Mobility Molecular Analysis of Bio- and Polymer NanoparticlesArtikel Article 2020
3Dreer, Sabine ; Wilhartitz, Peter ; Satory, B ; Tessadri, Richard ; Piplits, Kurt ; Mayerhofer, Karl Emanuel Accurate Determination of Trace Amounts of Oxygen in CrAlN Hard Coatings by a Combination of WDS-EPMA and SIMSArtikel Article2006
4Otto, Gustav ; Hobler, Gerhard ; Palmetshofer, L. ; Mayerhofer, Karl Emanuel ; Piplits, Kurt ; Hutter, Herbert Dose-rate dependence of damage formation in Si by N implantation as determined from channeling profile measurementsArtikel Article2006
5Mayerhofer, Karl Emanuel ; Piplits, Kurt ; Breuer, Uwe Korrosion an historischen und modernen Goldmünzen - Eine Untersuchung mit Sekundärionen-MassenspektrometrieBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2006
6Griesser, Martina ; Traum, R. ; Mayerhofer, Karl Emanuel ; Piplits, Kurt ; Denk, R ; Winter, H Brown spot corrosion on historic gold coins and medalsArtikel Article2005
7Mayerhofer, Karl Emanuel ; Foisner, Johann ; Piplits, Kurt ; Hobler, Gerhard ; Palmetshofer, Leopold ; Hutter, Herbert Range evaluation in SIMS depth profiles of Er - implantations in siliconArtikel Article2005
8Mayerhofer, Karl Emanuel ; Piplits, Kurt ; Traum, R. ; Griesser, Martina ; Hutter, Herbert Investigations of corrosion phenomena on gold coins with SIMSArtikel Article2005
9Olcaytug, Fethi ; Szymanowski, Hieronim ; Kaczmarek, Mariusz ; Sobczyk, Anna ; Rapiejko, Cezary ; Schalko, Johannes ; Piplits, Kurt ; Gazicki-Lipman, Maciej ; Yasuda, Hirotsugu Cylindric electromagnetron electrode for continuously variable PVD/CVD mixed processingArtikel Article2005
10Krecar, Dragan ; Mayerhofer, Karl Emanuel ; Piplits, Kurt ; Hutter, Herbert Einsatz der SekundärIonen MassenSpektrometrie in der Werkstoffanalytik: Ein kurzer ÜberblickPräsentation Presentation2005
11Mayerhofer, Karl Emanuel ; Piplits, Kurt ; Traum, R. ; Griesser, Martina ; Hutter, Herbert Investigations of corrosion phenomena on gold coins with dynamic SIMSPräsentation Presentation2004
12Krecar, Dragan ; Rosner, Martin ; Piplits, Kurt ; Draxler, Markus ; Bauer, Peter ; Hutter, Herbert Quantitative analysis of the Ge concentration in a SiGe quantum well: Comparison of low energy RBS and SIMS measurementsPräsentation Presentation2004
13Gritsch, Martin ; Piplits, Kurt ; Barbist, R ; Wilhartitz, Peter ; Hutter, Herbert SIMS Analysis of the oxidation behaviour of SiFeCr coated technical refractory metal alloysArtikel Article2001
14Heinisch, Christian ; Piplits, Kurt ; Kubel, Frank ; Schintlmeister, A ; Pfluger, E ; Hutter, Herbert SIMS investigation of MoS2 based sputtercoatingsArtikel Article2001
15Dreer, Sabine ; Wilhartitz, Peter ; Piplits, Kurt ; Hutter, Herbert ; Kopnarski, M ; Friedbacher, Gernot Quantitative Sputter Depth Profiling on Silicon- and Aluminium Oxinitride FilmsArtikel Article2000
16Kolber, Thomas ; Piplits, Kurt ; Palmetshofer, Leopold ; Hutter, Herbert Characterisation of the element distribution within TiN coatings with SIMSArtikel Article2000
17Gritsch, M. ; Brunner, C. ; Piplits, K. ; Hutter, H. ; Wilhartitz, P. ; Schintlmeister, A. ; Martinz, H. P. Application of scanning SIMS techniques for the evaluation of the oxidation behaviour of high-purity molybdenumArtikel Article1999
18Piplits, Kurt ; Tomischko, Wolfgang ; Brunner, C ; Hutter, Herbert A novel scanning generation for the CAMECA IMS 3FKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings1995
19Piplits, Kurt ; Tomischko, Wolfgang ; Stingeder, Gerhard ; Hutter, Herbert A new control unit for the CAMECA IMS 3fKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings1992