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Linsmeier, Ch.

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1Kirschner, A. ; Tskhakaya, D. ; Kawamura, G. ; Borodin, D. ; Brezinsek, S. ; Ding, R. ; Linsmeier, Ch. ; Romazanov, J. Modelling of Impurity Transport and Plasma-Wall Interaction in Fusion Devices with the ERO Code: Basics of the Code and Examples of ApplicationArtikel Article 2016

Results 1-1 of 1 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

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1Schöbel, Michael ; Fiedler, G. ; Degischer, Hans Peter ; Altendorfer, W. ; Vaucher, Sebastien The Effects of Different Architectures on Thermal Fatigue in Particle Reinforced MMC for Heat Sink ApplicationsBuchbeitrag Book Contribution 2009