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Drozdova, Svetlana
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Results 1-15 of 15 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Drozdova, S. ; Ritter, W. ; Lendl, B. ; Rosenberg, E. Challenges in the Determination of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Water by Gas Chromatography (Hydrocarbon Index)Artikel Article 2013
2Drozdova, Svetlana ; Rosenberg, Egon-Erwin GC/MS Analysis of Trace Fatty Methyl Esters (FAME) in Jet Fuel using one- and twodimensional Gas ChromatographyKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2012
3Drozdova, Svetlana Characterisation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons by one- and two-dimensional Gas ChromatographyPräsentation Presentation2012
4Drozdova Svetlana - 2012 - Characterisation and quantification of petroleum...pdf.jpgDrozdova, Svetlana Characterisation and quantification of petroleum hydrocarbons by one- and two-dimensional gas chromatographyThesis Hochschulschrift 2012
5Drozdova, Svetlana ; Rosenberg, Egon-Erwin ; Ritter, Wolfgang ; Lendl, Bernhard Quantification of Petroleum Hydrocarbons (Hydrocarbon Index) by One- and Two- Dimensional Gas ChromatographyPräsentation Presentation2012
6Drozdova, Svetlana ; Ritter, Wolfgang ; Lendl, Bernhard ; Rosenberg, Egon-Erwin Challenges in the determination of total petroleum hydrocarbons (hydrocarbon index) by gas chromatographyPräsentation Presentation2012
7Drozdova, Svetlana ; Rosenberg, Egon-Erwin Petroleum Hydrocarbon ContaminationBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2012
8Nagl, Andreas ; Durán Outeiral, Roberto ; Drozdova, Svetlana ; Rosenberg, Egon-Erwin Development of a Screening Method for Acidic PAH Metabolites in Water and Soil SamplesPräsentation Presentation2011
9Rosenberg, Egon-Erwin ; Drozdova, Svetlana ; Nagl, Andreas ; Ramopoulou, Lamprini Taking chromatography to higher dimensionsPräsentation Presentation2011
10Drozdova, Svetlana ; Rosenberg, Egon-Erwin Critical Discussion of Current Standardized Methods for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon/Hydrocarbon Index Determination by GC/FIDPräsentation Presentation2011
11Drozdova, Svetlana ; Ritter, Wolfgang ; Lendl, Bernhard ; Rosenberg, Egon-Erwin Challenges in the Determination of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Water by Gas ChromatographyPräsentation Presentation2011
12Drozdova, Svetlana ; Rosenberg, Egon-Erwin Gas Chromatographic Determination of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons using the Large Volume Injection (LVI) TechniquePräsentation Presentation2010
13Drozdova, Svetlana ; Rosenberg, Egon-Erwin Challenges in the Determination of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (Hydrocarbon Index) in Water by Gas ChromatographyPräsentation Presentation2010
14Drozdova, Svetlana ; Rosenberg, Egon-Erwin Parameter Optimisation for the Determination of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (Hydrocarbon Index) by Gas Chromatography Using the Large Volume Injection TechniqueKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010
15Drozdova, Svetlana ; Rosenberg, Egon-Erwin A Critical Comparison of Standardized Methods for the Determination of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Water (Hydrocarbon Index)Präsentation Presentation2008