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Schuster, Nathalie

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1Youngblut, Nicholas D. ; de la Cuesta-Zuluaga, Jacobo ; Reischer, Georg H. ; Dauser, Silke ; Schuster, Nathalie ; Walzer, Chris ; Stalder, Gabrielle ; Farnleitner, Andreas H. ; Ley, Ruth E. Large-Scale Metagenome Assembly Reveals Novel Animal- Associated Microbial Genomes, Biosynthetic Gene Clusters, and Other Genetic DiversityArtikel Article 2020
2Reischer, Georg ; Youngblut, Nicholas D. ; Walters, William ; Schuster, Nathalie ; Walzer, Christian ; Stalder, Gabrielle L. ; Ley, Ruth E. ; Farnleitner, Andreas H. Factors shaping the intestinal microbiome of vertebrate faecal sources: unravelling the role of diet and host phylogenyKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2019
3Youngblut, Nicholas D. ; Reischer, Georg H. ; Walters, William ; Schuster, Nathalie ; Walzer, Chris ; Stalder, Gabrielle ; Ley, Ruth E. ; Farnleitner, Andreas H. Host diet and evolutionary history explain different aspects of gut microbiome diversity among vertebrate cladesArtikel Article 2019
4Reischer, Georg ; Schuster, Nathalie ; Mossler, Pierre ; Ley, Ruth E. ; Farnleitner, Andreas H. Novel Bioinformatic Tools for the Discovery and Evaluation of Genetic Faecal MarkersKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2016
5Zeki, Sibel ; Mayer, René ; Keiblinger, Katharina ; Schuster, Nathalie ; Kiesenhofer, Daniel ; Mach-Aigner, Astrid R. ; Mach, Robert L. ; Reischer, Georg ; Farnleitner, Andreas H. Design and application of a genetically modified E. coli strain for assessment of DNA extraction and recovery efficiencies in Bacteroidetes based MST studiesKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2015
6Nunes-Monteiro, Silvia Patricia ; Schuster, Nathalie ; Moreira, B. ; Balleste, Elisenda ; Stange, Claudia ; Tiehm, Andreas ; Reischer, Georg ; Oristo, Satu ; Blanch, Anicet R. ; Farnleitner, Andreas H. ; Santos, Ricardo Quantitative occurance of genetic microbial source tracking markers in target and non-target fecal sources across EuropeKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2015
7Reischer, Georg ; Schuster, Nathalie ; Mossler, Pierre ; Ley, Ruth E. ; Farnleitner, Andreas H. Bioinformatic processes using a tailored metagenomic sequence database for discovery and evaluation of genetic faecal markersKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2015
8Blanch, Anicet R. ; Balleste, Elisenda ; Muniesa, Maite ; Stange, Claudia ; Tiehm, Andreas ; Schuster, Nathalie ; Farnleitner, Andreas H. ; Sommer, Regina ; Lindner, Gerhard ; Nunes-Monteiro, Silvia Patricia ; Santos, Ricardo ; Oristo, Satu ; Maunula, Leena ; Lucena, Francisco Selection of workable combinations of microbial source tracking markers to distinguish faecal pollution from more than two origins: an ongoing EU projectKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2015
9Reischer, Georg ; Schuster, Nathalie ; Ley, Ruth E. ; Farnleitner, Andreas H. A DNA Sequence Database Of Vertebrate Faecal Communities As A Basis For Molecular Faecal IndicationPräsentation Presentation2014
10Reischer, Georg ; Schuster, Nathalie ; Stalder, Gabrielle L. ; Walzer, Christian ; Ley, Ruth E. ; Farnleitner, Andreas H. Deciphering the Diversity of Vertebrate Faecal Microbiota as a Solid Basis for Molecular Faecal Indication and Source TrackingKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2014
11Reischer, Georg ; Schuster, Nathalie ; Stalder, Gabrielle L. ; Walzer, Christian ; Ley, Ruth E. ; Farnleitner, Andreas H. Finding the drivers of intestinal community composition in vertebrate animals - the role of host phylogeny, physiology and dietKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2014
12Farnleitner, Andreas H. ; Stadler, Hermann ; Reischer, Georg ; Sommer, Regina ; Ryzinska-Paier, Gabriela ; Mach, Robert L. ; Kirschner, Alexander K.T ; Schuster, Nathalie ; Savio, Domenico ; Zerobin, Wolfgang New Framework for Microbial Faecal Pollution Analysis Supports Water Resource Management at all Time ScalesPräsentation Presentation2014
13Farnleitner, Andreas H. ; Reischer, Georg ; Savio, Domenico ; Frick, Christina ; Schuster, Nathalie ; Schilling, Katerina ; Mach, Robert L. ; Derx, Julia ; Kirschner, Alexander K.T ; Blaschke, Alfred Paul ; Sommer, Regina Diagnostik mikrobiologischer Fäkalkontaminationen in Wasser und Gewässern - Status Quo und gegenwärtige EntwicklungenBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2014
14Reischer, Georg ; Ebdon, James E. ; Bauer, Johanna M. ; Schuster, Nathalie ; Ahmed , Warish ; Aström, Johan ; Blanch, Anicet R ; Blöschl, Günter ; Byamukama, Denis ; Coakley, T. ; Ferguson, C. ; Goshu, Goraw ; Ko, Gwangpyo ; de Roda Husman, Ana Maria ; Mushi, Douglas ; Poma, R. ; Pradhan, B. ; Rajal, Veronica ; Schade, Margit A. ; Mach, Robert ; Farnleitner, Andreas Performance Characteristics of qPCR Assays Targeting Human- and Ruminant-Associated Bacteroidetes for Microbial Source Tracking across Sixteen Countries on Six ContinentsArtikel Article 11-Jun-2013
15Reischer, Georg ; Schuster, Nathalie ; Ley, Ruth E. ; Farnleitner, Andreas H. Towards a Unified System for the Molecular Faecal Indication and Source TrackingKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2013
16Reischer, Georg ; Schuster, Nathalie ; Vierheilig, Julia ; Ley, Ruth E. ; Farnleitner, Andreas H. The Co-Evolution of Host and Intestinal Microbiota? - Towards a Unified System for Molecular Faecal Indication and Source TrackingPräsentation Presentation2013
17Reischer, Georg ; Schuster, Nathalie ; Vierheilig, Julia ; Farnleitner, Andreas H. Potential of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Methods for Water Quality MonitoringPräsentation Presentation2012