Full name Familienname, Vorname
Rahimi, Mohammadjavad
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Results 1-20 of 21 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

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1Brandstaetter, Christian ; Fricko, Nora ; Rahimi, Mohammad J. ; Fellner, Johann ; Ecker-Lala, Wolfgang ; Druzhinina, Irina S. The microbial metabolic activity on carbohydrates and polymers impact the biodegradability of landfilled solid wasteArtikel Article 2022
2Daly, Paul ; Cai, Feng ; Kubicek, Christian P. ; Jiang, Siqi ; Grujic, Marica ; Rahimi, Mohammad Javad ; Sheteiwy, Mohamed Salah ; Giles, Richard ; Riaz, Asad ; de Vries, Ronald P. ; Akcapinar, Günseli Bayram ; Wei, Lihui ; Druzhinina, Irina S. From lignocellulose to plastics: Knowledge transfer on the degradation approaches by fungiArtikel Article 2021
3Rahimi, Mohammadjavad Microbial ecology of Bornean exploding antsThesis Hochschulschrift2021
4Rahimi, Mohammadjavad ; Jiang, Siqi ; Grujic, Marica ; Prusa, Marco ; Gao, Renwei ; Abu Salim, Kamariah ; Lim, Linda ; Cai, Feng ; Druzhinina, Irina Ecophysiology and applied biodiversity of phillosphere fungi in tropical and subtropical forestsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2020
5Hönigsberger, Michaela ; Pretzer, Carina ; Rahimi, Mohammadjavad ; Kopchinskiy, Alexey ; Parich, Alexandra ; Laciny, Alice ; Metscher, Brian ; Chan, Chin Mei ; Lim, Linda ; Salim, Kamariah A. ; Zettel, Herbert ; Druzhinina, Irina ; Schuhmacher, Rainer Strong antimicrobial and low insecticidal activity of mandibular gland reservoir content in Bornean "exploding ants" Colobopsis explodensArtikel Article 2020
6Ding, M.‐Y. ; Chen, W. ; Ma, X.‐C. ; Lv, B.‐W. ; Jiang, S.‐Q. ; Yu, Y.‐N. ; Rahimi, M.J. ; Gao, R.‐W. ; Zhao, Z. ; Cai, F. ; Druzhinina, I.S. Emerging salt marshes as a source of Trichoderma arenarium sp. nov. and other fungal bioeffectors for biosaline agricultureArtikel Article 2020
7Rahimi, Mohammad J. ; Cai, Feng ; Grujic, Marica ; Chenthamara, Komal ; Druzhinina, Irina S. Molecular Identification of Trichoderma reeseiBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2020
8Chenthamara, Komal ; Druzhinina, Irina S. ; Rahimi, Mohammad J. ; Grujic, Marica ; Cai, Feng Ecological Genomics and Evolution of Trichoderma reeseiBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2020
9Zhang, Jian ; Miao, Youzhi ; Rahimi, Mohammad Javad ; Zhu, Hong ; Steindorff, Andrei ; Schiessler, Sabine ; Cai, Feng ; Pang, Guan ; Chenthamara, Komal ; Xu, Yu ; Kubicek, Christian P. ; Shen, Qirong ; Druzhinina, Irina S. Guttation capsules containing hydrogen peroxide: an evolutionarily conserved NADPH oxidase gains a role in wars between related fungiArtikel Article 2019
10Laciny, Alice ; Zettel, Herbert ; Kopchinskiy, Alexey ; Pretzer, Carina ; Pal, Anna ; Abu Salim, Kamariah ; Javad Rahimi, Mohammad ; Hoenigsberger, Michaela ; Lim, Linda ; Jaitrong, Weeyawat ; Druzhinina, Irina S. Colobopsis explodens sp. n., model species for studies on "exploding ants" (Hymenoptera, Formicidae), with biological notes and first illustrations of males of the Colobopsis cylindrica groupArtikel Article 2018
11Druzhinina, Irina ; Chenthamara-Kariyankode, Komal ; Zhang, Jian ; Atanasova, Lea ; Yang, Dongqing ; Miao, Youzhi ; Rahimi, Mohammadjavad ; Grujic, Marica ; Cai, Feng ; Pourmehd, Shadi ; Abu Salim, Kamariah ; Pretzer, Carina ; Kopchinskiy, Alexey G. ; Henrissat, Bernhard ; Kuo, Alan ; Hundley, Hope ; Wang, Mei ; Aerts, Andrea ; Salamov, Asaf ; Kubicek, Peter Christian Massive lateral transfer of genes encoding plant cell wall-degrading enzymes to the mycoparasitic fungus Trichoderma from its plant-associated hostsArtikel Article 2018
12Druzhinina, Irina ; Rahimi, Mohammadjavad ; Grujic, Marica ; Forte, Ana ; Pourmehdi, Shadi ; Pretzer, Carina ; Kopchinskiy, Alexey ; Chenthamara-Kariyankode, Komal ; Fischer, Michaela ; Laciny, Alice ; Abu Salim, Kamariah ; Lim, Linda ; Chan, Chin Mei ; Parich, Alexandra ; Schuhmacher, Rainer ; Zettel, Herbert Ecophysiology of Fungi from the Habitats of Borneo's 'Exploding Ants'Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2017
13Rahimi, Mohammadjavad ; Pretzer, Carina ; Fischer, Michaela ; Kopchinskiy, Alexey ; Laciny, Alice ; Grujic, Marica ; Abu Salim, Kamariah ; Lim, Linda ; Chan, Chin Mei ; Parich, Alexandra ; Schuhmacher, Rainer ; Zettel, Herbert ; Druzhinina, Irina Microbial Communities in the Nests of Borneo's 'Exploding Ants' Colobopsis cylindrica ComplexKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2017
14Cai, Feng ; Rahimi, Mohammadjavad ; Akcapinar, Günseli Bayram ; Yagtu, Ali Civan ; Przylucka, Agnieszka ; Pang, Guan ; Shen, Qirong ; Druzhinina, Irina Functional analysis of class II hydrophobin HFB4 in Trichoderma harzianum and its sibling species T. guizhouense.Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2017
15Rahimi, Mohammadjavad ; Grujic, Marica ; Pleha, Carina ; Forte, Ana ; Chenthamara-Kariyankode, Komal ; Pretzer, Carina ; Kopchinskiy, Alexey ; Pourmehdi, Shadi ; Lim, Linda ; Akcapinar, Günseli Bayram ; Druzhinina, Irina Degradation of synthetic polymers by epyphytic fungi from high canopy of the tropical rain forestKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2017
16Rahimi, Mohammadjavad ; Pretzer, Carina ; Forte, Ana ; Kopchinskiy, Alexey ; Davidson, Diane W. ; Laciny, Alice ; Grujic, Marica ; Abu Salim, Kamariah ; Lim, Linda ; Chan, Chin Mei ; Fischer, Michaela ; Parich, Alexandra ; Schuhmacher, Rainer ; Zettel, Herbert ; Druzhinina, Irina Microbial diversity in the habitat of Borneo's 'Exploding' Ants, Ants 2016-Ants and their biotic environmentPräsentation Presentation2016
17Zhang, Jian ; Miao, Youzhi ; Atanasova, Lea ; Yang, Dongqing ; Rahimi, Mohammadjavad ; Druzhinina, Irina ; Shen, Qirong The function of reactive oxygen species in the mycoparasitic attack of Trichoderma guizhouense on Fusarium oxysporumKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2016
18Rahimi, Mohammadjavad ; Druzhinina, Irina Impact of natural associated bacteria on mycoparasitism of Trichoderma and it's relevance for plant protectionKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2016
19Fischer, Michaela ; Parich, Alexandra ; Simader, Alexandra M. ; Kopchinskiy, Alexey ; Zettel, Herbert ; Laciny, Alice ; Pretzer, Carina ; Rahimi, Mohammadjavad ; Abu Salim, Kamariah ; Druzhinina, Irina ; Schuhmacher, Rainer Untargeted Metabolomics of Borneo's 'Exploding Ants'Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2016
20Zhang, Jian ; Akcapinar, Günseli Bayram ; Atanasova, Lea ; Rahimi, Mohammadjavad ; Przylucka, Agnieszka ; Yang, Dongqing ; Kubicek, Christian Peter ; Zhang, Ruifu ; Shen, Qirong ; Druzhinina, Irina The neutral metallopeptidase NMP1 of Trichoderma guizhouense is required for mycotrophy and self-defenceArtikel Article 2016