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Horntrich, Christine
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Results 1-20 of 35 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

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1Fittschen, U. ; Menzel, M. ; Scharf, O. ; Radtke, Martin ; Reinholz, Uwe ; Buzanich, G. ; Montoya, V.M. ; McIntosh, K. ; Horntrich, C. ; Streli, Christina ; Havrilla, G.J. Evaluation of total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) analysis using a color X-ray camera (CXC)Präsentation Presentation2013
2Wastl, A. ; Stadlbauer, F. ; Prost, J. ; Horntrich, C. ; Kregsamer, P. ; Wobrauschek, P. ; Streli, C. Nanoliter deposition unit for pipetting droplets of small volumes for TXRF applicationsArtikel Article 2013
3Horntrich, C. ; Kregsamer, Peter ; Prost, Josef ; Stadlbauer, Franziska ; Wobrauschek, Peter ; Streli, C. Production of the ideal sample shape for Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence analysisArtikel Article Nov-2012
4Horntrich, C. ; Wobrauschek, Peter ; Montoya, V.M. ; Havrilla, G.J. ; Fittschen, U. ; Streli, Christina Determination and production of the ideal TXRF samplePräsentation Presentation2012
5Horntrich, C. ; Kregsamer, Peter ; Stadlbauer, F. ; Prost, Josef ; Wobrauschek, Peter ; Streli, Christina Determinations and production of the ideal TXRF samplePräsentation Presentation2012
6Horntrich, C. ; Kregsamer, Peter ; Smolek, S. ; Maderitsch, A. ; Wobrauschek, Peter ; Streli, Christina ; Simon, R. ; Nutsch, A. ; Knoerr, M. Influence of the excitation energy on absorption effects in TXRF analysisPräsentation Presentation2011
7Horntrich, C. ; Kregsamer, Peter ; Smolek, S. ; Maderitsch, A. ; Wobrauschek, Peter ; Streli, Christina ; Simon, R. ; Nutsch, A. Improvement of calibration processes in TXRF of wafer surface analysis: Investigation of saturation effects in TXRF by comparing different sample shapesPräsentation Presentation2011
8Horntrich, C. ; Kregsamer, P. ; Smolek, S. ; Maderitsch, A. ; Wobrauschek, P. ; Simon, R. ; Nutsch, A. ; Knoerr, M. ; Streli, C. Influence of the exciation energy on absorption effects in Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence analysisArtikel Article2011
9Horntrich, C. ; Kregsamer, Peter ; Smolek, S. ; Maderitsch, A. ; Wobrauschek, Peter ; Simon, R. ; Nutsch, A. ; Streli, Christina Influence of the excitation energy on absorption effects in TXRF analysisPräsentation Presentation2011
10Horntrich, C. ; Smolek, S. ; Maderitsch, A. ; Simon, R. ; Kregsamer, P. ; Streli, C. Investigation of element distribution and homogeneity of TXRF samples using SR-micro-XRF to validate the use of an internal standard and improve external standard quantificationArtikel Article2011
11Horntrich, C. ; Kregsamer, Peter ; Wobrauschek, Peter ; Nutsch, A. ; Streli, Christina Improvement of calibration processes in TXRF of wafer surface analysis: Investigation of saturation effects in TXRF by comparing different sample shapesPräsentation Presentation2011
12Horntrich, C. ; Kregsamer, Peter ; Wobrauschek, Peter ; Streli, Christina Improvement of calibration processes in TXRF of wafer surface analysisPräsentation Presentation2011
13Horntrich, C. ; Kregsamer, Peter ; Smolek, S. ; Maderitsch, A. ; Wobrauschek, Peter ; Simon, R. ; Nutsch, A. ; Knoerr, M. ; Streli, Christina Influence of the excitation energy on absorption effects in TXRF analysisPräsentation Presentation2011
14Horntrich, C. ; Kregsamer, Peter ; Smolek, S. ; Maderitsch, A. ; Wobrauschek, Peter ; Simon, R. ; Nutsch, A. ; Knoerr, M. ; Streli, Christina Influence of the excitation energy on absorption effects in TXRF analysisPräsentation Presentation2011
15Horntrich, Christine Characterization of the influence of the sample shape on accuracy, statistics and reproducibility in TXRF analysis of semiconductor surfacesThesis Hochschulschrift2011
16Horntrich, C. ; Smolek, S. ; Maderitsch, A. ; Kregsamer, Peter ; Simon, R. ; Nutsch, A. ; Knoerr, M. ; Streli, Christina Investigation Of The Element Distribution In Txrf Samples Using Sr µxrfPräsentation Presentation2010
17Horntrich, C. ; Smolek, S. ; Maderitsch, A. ; Simon, R. ; Wobrauschek, Peter ; Streli, Christina Determination of the element distribution in TXRF samples using SR-μ-XRFBericht Report2010
18Wobrauschek, Peter ; Sasamori, S. ; Streli, Christina ; Horntrich, C. ; Ingerle, D. ; Meirer, F. Recent advances and applications in TXRF of the Atominstitut X-ray groupPräsentation Presentation2010
19Horntrich, C. ; Smolek, S. ; Maderitsch, A. ; Kregsamer, Peter ; Simon, R. ; Nutsch, A. ; Knoerr, M. ; Streli, Christina Investigation of the element distribution in TXRF samples using SR µXRFPräsentation Presentation2010
20Horntrich, C. ; Meirer, F. ; Fittschen, U. ; Pepponi, Giancarlo ; Sasamori, S. ; Streli, Christina ; Havrilla, G.J. ; Broekaert, J.A. ; Falkenberg, G. Investigation of saturation effects in TXRF using picodropletsBericht Report2009