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Havrilla, G.J.

Results 1-8 of 8 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Menzel, M. ; Meyer, A. ; Scharf, O. ; Nowak, Sebastian ; Radtke, Martin ; Reinholz, Uwe ; Buzanich, G. ; Hischenhuber, Peter ; Streli, Christina ; Lopez, V.M. ; McIntosh, K. ; Havrilla, G.J. ; Fittschen, U. Shading in TXRF: Calculations and Experimental Validation using a Color X-ray Camera with Subpixel ResolutionPräsentation Presentation2015
2Menzel, M. ; Fittschen, U. ; Scharf, O. ; Nowak, S.H. ; Radke, M. ; Reinholz, Uwe ; Buzanich, G. ; Montoya, V.M. ; Hischenhuber, Peter ; Streli, Christina ; Havrilla, G.J. ; McIntosh, K. Shading Effects in SR-TXRF: Calculations and experimental Visualization Using a Color X-Ray CameraPräsentation Presentation2014
3Fittschen, U. ; Menzel, M. ; Scharf, O. ; Radtke, Martin ; Reinholz, Uwe ; Buzanich, G. ; Montoya, V.M. ; McIntosh, K. ; Horntrich, C. ; Streli, Christina ; Havrilla, G.J. Evaluation of total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) analysis using a color X-ray camera (CXC)Präsentation Presentation2013
4Horntrich, C. ; Wobrauschek, Peter ; Montoya, V.M. ; Havrilla, G.J. ; Fittschen, U. ; Streli, Christina Determination and production of the ideal TXRF samplePräsentation Presentation2012
5Horntrich, C. ; Meirer, F. ; Fittschen, U. ; Pepponi, Giancarlo ; Sasamori, S. ; Streli, Christina ; Havrilla, G.J. ; Broekaert, J.A. ; Falkenberg, G. Investigation of saturation effects in TXRF using picodropletsBericht Report2009
6Horntrich, C. ; Sasamori, S. ; Streli, Christina ; Meirer, F. ; Fittschen, U. ; Pepponi, Giancarlo ; Havrilla, G.J. Improvement Of Calibration Processes In Txrf Of Wafer Surface Analysis: Investigation Of Saturation Effects In Txrf By Comparing Picodroplets And MicrodropletsPräsentation Presentation2009
7Horntrich, C. ; Meirer, F. ; Fittschen, U. ; Pepponi, Giancarlo ; Sasamori, S. ; Havrilla, G.J. ; Streli, Christina Improvement of calibration processes in TXRF of wafer surface analysis: Investigation of saturation effects in TXRF by comparing picodroplets and microdropletsPräsentation Presentation2009
8Streli, Christina ; Posch, F. ; Fugger, Manfred ; Havrilla, G.J. ; Fittschen, U. Accreditation (EN ISO 17025) for an Atomika 8030W wafer analyzerPräsentation Presentation2009