Full name Familienname, Vorname
Zotta, Ruxandra-Maria
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

Results 1-20 of 25 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Walther, Sophia ; Dorigo, Wouter Arnoud ; Duveiller, Gregory ; Gans, Fabian ; Kraft, Basil ; Nelson, Jacob ; Preimesberger, Wolfgang ; Weber, Ulrich ; Zotta, Ruxandra-Maria ; Jung, Martin Improved data-driven ecosystem carbon fluxes under moisture stress through synergistic Earth observationsPresentation Vortrag22-Nov-2023
2Mukunga-2023-Fire-vor.pdf.jpgMukunga, Tichaona Tavare ; Forkel, Matthias ; Forrest, Matthew ; Zotta, Ruxandra-Maria ; Pande, Nirlipta ; Schlaffer, Stefan ; Dorigo, Wouter Arnoud Effect of Socioeconomic Variables in Predicting Global Fire Ignition OccurrenceArticle Artikel 10-May-2023
3Schmidt-2023-Biogeosciences-vor.pdf.jpgSchmidt, Luisa ; Forkel, Matthias ; Zotta, Ruxandra-Maria ; Scherrer, Samuel ; Dorigo, Wouter A. ; Kuhn-Régnier, Alexander ; van der Schalie, Robin ; Yebra, Marta Assessing the sensitivity of multi-frequency passive microwave vegetation optical depth to vegetation propertiesArticle Artikel 16-Mar-2023
4Forkel-2023-Hydrology and Earth System Sciences-vor.pdf.jpgForkel, Matthias ; Schmidt, Luisa ; Zotta, Ruxandra-Maria ; Dorigo, Wouter ; Yebra, Marta Estimating leaf moisture content at global scale from passive microwave satellite observations of vegetation optical depthArticle Artikel 2-Jan-2023
5Dorigo, Wouter Arnoud ; Zotta, Ruxandra-Maria ; Van Der Schalie, Robin ; Mösinger, Leander ; de Jeu, Richard VODCA v2: An updated long-term vegetation optical depth dataset for ecosystem monitoringInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag2023
6Walther, Sophia ; Nelson, Jacob ; Migliavacca, Mirco ; Dorigo, Wouter Arnoud ; Ermida, Sofia L. ; Duveiller, Gregory ; Gans, Fabian ; Ghent, Darren ; Kraft, Basil ; Veal, Karen L. ; Weber, Ulrich ; Zotta, Ruxandra-Maria ; Jung, Martin Improved data-driven ecosystem carbon fluxes under moisture stress through synergistic Earth observationsInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag2023
7Zotta, Ruxandra-Maria ; Schlaffer, Stefan ; Hollaus, Markus ; Dostalova, Alena ; Vacik, Harald ; Müller, Mortimer M. ; Atzberger, Clement ; Immitzer, Markus ; Dioszegi, Gergö ; Dorigo, Wouter Arnoud Using satellite, airborne laser scanning and socio-economic data in a machine learning framework for improved fire danger modelling in the AlpsInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag2023
8Mukunga, Tichaona Tavare ; Forkel, Matthias ; Forrest, Matthew ; Zotta, Ruxandra-Maria ; Schlaffer, Stefan ; Dorigo, Wouter Arnoud Effect of socioeconomic variables in predicting global wildfire ignition occurrenceInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag2023
9Moesinger-2022-Biogeosciences-vor.pdf.jpgMoesinger, Leander ; Zotta, Ruxandra-Maria ; van der Schalie, Robin ; Scanlon, Tracy ; de Jeu, Richard ; Dorigo, Wouter Monitoring vegetation condition using microwave remote sensing: the standardized vegetation optical depth index (SVODI)Article Artikel 7-Nov-2022
10Dorigo, Wouter Arnoud ; Zotta, Ruxandra-Maria ; Mösinger, Leander ; Wild, Benjamin ; Teubner, Irene E. ; Forkel, Matthias Quantifying Long-Term Vegetation Dynamics and Trends from Multi-Source Passive Microwave ObservationsPresentation Vortrag25-Oct-2022
11Hollaus, Markus ; Li, Nan ; Dostalova, Alena ; Zotta, Ruxandra-Maria ; Pfeifer, Norbert GEDI and ICESat2 data for forest parameter retrieval for Alpine regionsPresentation Vortrag1-Sep-2022
12Schmidt, Luisa ; Forkel, Matthias ; Zotta, Ruxandra-Maria ; Dorigo, Wouter Arnoud ; Yebra, Marta Developing a long-term live-fuel moisture content dataset based on passive microwave vegetation optical depthPresentation Vortrag27-May-2022
13Scherrer, Samuel Anton ; Heyvaert, Zdenko ; Büechi, Piet Emanuel ; Bechtold, Michel ; Zotta, Ruxandra-Maria ; De Lannoy, Gabrielle ; Dorigo, Wouter Arnoud A novel approach for assimilating retrievals of microwave vegetation optical depth into a land surface modelPresentation Vortrag25-May-2022
14Dorigo, Wouter Arnoud ; Wild, Benjamin ; Teubner, Irene E. ; Mösinger, Leander ; Zotta, Ruxandra-Maria ; Forkel, Matthias ; van der Schalie, Robin ; Sitch, Stephen VODCA2GPP - A new global, long-term (1988-2020) GPP dataset from passive microwave remote sensingPresentation Vortrag25-May-2022
15Zotta, Ruxandra-Maria ; Schlaffer, Stefan ; Hollaus, Markus ; Dostalova, Alena ; Vacik, Harald ; Müller, Mortimer M. ; Atzberger, Clement ; Immitzer, Markus ; Dioszegi, Gergö ; Dorigo, Wouter Arnoud Remote sensing for improved forest fire danger estimation in the Alpine regionPresentation Vortrag24-May-2022
16Mösinger, Leander ; Zotta, Ruxandra-Maria ; van der Schalie, Robin ; Scanlon, Tracy Marie ; De Jeu, Richard ; Dorigo, Wouter Arnoud SVODI - A global long-term vegetation condition index based on microwave remote sensingPresentation Vortrag24-May-2022
17Zotta, Ruxandra-Maria ; Schlaffer, Stefan ; Hollaus, Markus ; Vacik, Harald ; Müller, Mortimer M. ; Atzberger, Clement ; Immitzer, Markus ; Dioszegi, Gergö ; Dorigo, Wouter Fernerkundung für verbesserte Waldbrandgefahreneinschätzung in ÖsterreichKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2022
18Hollaus, Markus ; Li, Nan ; Dostalova, Alena ; Zotta, Ruxandra-Maria ; von Beringe, Alexandra ; Pfeifer, Norbert Final report of the project "Exploration of Space-borne LiDAR data for supporting Sentinel-1 forest parameter retrieval"Report Bericht2022
19Dorigo, Wouter Arnoud ; Zotta, Ruxandra-Maria ; van der Schalie, Robin ; Preimesberger, Wolfgang ; Mösinger, Leander ; De Jeu, Richard Vegetation Optical DepthArticle Artikel 2022
20Zotta, Ruxandra-Maria ; Atzberger, Clement ; von Beringe, Alexandra ; Csekits, Christian ; Degenhart, Jörg ; Dioszegi, Gergö ; Dorigo, Wouter Arnoud ; Dostalova, Alena ; Hollaus, Markus ; Immitzer, Markus ; Krajnz, Haimo ; Lichtenegger, Gerald ; Lick, Heinz ; Müller, Mortimer M. ; Pfleger, Ariane ; Schwaninger, Christian ; Vacik, Harald Final report of the Project "Copernicus Data for Novel High-resolution Wildfire Danger Services in Mountain Regions - CONFIRM"Report Bericht2022

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