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Veselý, Václav

Results 1-9 of 9 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Veselý, Václav ; Kersner, Z. ; Merta, Ildiko Quasi-brittle Behaviour of Composites as a Key to Generalized Understanding of Material StructureKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2017
2Merta, Ildiko ; Veselý, Václav ; Kersner, Z. ; Seitl, Stanistlav ; Schneemayer, Andreas ; Simonová, H. Development of new testing configurations for determination of relevant values of fracture characteristics of cementitious composites (DeTeCon)Bericht Report2016
3Veselý, Václav ; Merta, Ildiko ; Simonová, H. ; Schneemayer, Andreas ; Seitl, Stanistlav ; Kersner, Z. Component wedge-splitting/bending test of notched specimens with various crack-tip constraint conditions: Experiments and simulationsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2016
4Havlíková, I. ; Frantik, Petr ; Masek, Jan ; Sobek, Jakub ; Simonová, H. ; Veselý, Václav ; Kersner, Z. ; Seitl, Stanistlav ; Merta, Ildiko ; Schneemayer, Andreas Evaluation of Fracture Tests of Concrete Specimens via Advanced Tool for Experimental Data ProcessingArtikel Article2016
5Veselý, Václav ; Kersner, Z. ; Merta, Ildiko Quasi-brittle behaviour of composites as a key to generalized understanding of material fracturePräsentation Presentation2016
6Seitl, Stanislav ; Merta, Ildikó ; Veselý, Václav Wedge Splitting Test of Foam Concrete Specimens: Calibration CurvesArtikel Article2015
7Havlíková, I. ; Frantik, Petr ; Masek, Jan ; Sobek, Jakub ; Simonová, H. ; Veselý, Václav ; Kersner, Z. ; Seitl, Stanistlav ; Merta, Ildiko ; Schneemayer, Andreas Evaluation of Fracture Tests of Concrete Specimens via Advanced Tool for Experimental Data ProcessingKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2015
8Havlíková, I. ; Merta, Ildiko ; Schneemayer, Andreas ; Koryčanská, B. ; Veselý, Václav ; Kersner, Z. Effect of Fibres Type in Concrete on Crack InitiationKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2014
9Seitl, Stanistlav ; Merta, Ildiko ; Veselý, Václav Wedge splitting test of foam concrete specimens: Calibration curvesKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2014