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Lassmann, Tino

Results 1-14 of 14 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Lassmann, Tino ; Miltner, Martin ; Harasek, Michael ; Makaruk, Aleksander ; Wukovits, Walter ; Friedl, Anton The purification of fermentatively produced hydrogen using membrane technology: a simulation based on small-scale pilot plant resultsArtikel Article 2016
2Haddadi Sisakht, Bahram ; Jordan, Christian ; Schretter, Philipp ; Lassmann, Tino ; Harasek, Michael Designing Better Membrane Modules Using CFDArtikel Article2016
3Haddadi, Bahram ; Jordan, Christian ; Schretter, Philipp ; Lassmann, Tino ; Harasek, Michael Membrane Module Design Optimization Using CFDKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2016
4Lassmann, Tino ; Miltner, Martin ; Harasek, Michael ; Friedl, Anton Technological investigation of bio-hydrogen purification utilizing gas permeation membrane technology via process simulationKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2015
5Haddadi, Bahram ; Jordan, Christian ; Schretter, Philipp ; Lassmann, Tino ; Harasek, Michael Designing Better Membrane Modules Using CFDKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2015
6Friedl, Anton ; Harasek, Michael ; Lassmann, Tino ; Makaruk, Aleksander ; Miltner, Martin ; Wukovits, Walter ; Schnitzhofer, Wolfgang ; Martinek, Silvia H2 MemClean - Reinigung von fermentativ erzeugtem Wasserstoff mittels MembrantrennverfahrenBericht Report2014
7Miltner, Martin ; Lassmann, Tino ; Makaruk, Aleksander ; Wukovits, Walter ; Friedl, Anton ; Harasek, Michael Upgrading of Bio-Hydrogen applying Membrane Gas Permeation - A Simulative and Experimental AssessmentKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2014
8Lassmann, Tino ; Friedl, Anton ; Harasek, Michael ; Wukovits, Walter ; Miltner, Martin ; Makaruk, Aleksander The purification of fermentative produced hydrogen utilizing membrane technology - A simulation based on small scale pilot plant resultsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2014
9Lassmann, Tino ; Kravanja, Philipp ; Friedl, Anton Simulation of the downstream processing in the ethanol production from lignocellulosic biomass with ASPEN Plus® and IPSEproArtikel Article 2014
10Lassmann, Tino ; Friedl, Anton Simulation of a membrane separation process for the purification of hydrogen produced by fermentation based on small scale pilot plant resultsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2013
11Lassmann, Tino ; Kravanja, Philipp ; Friedl, Anton Simulation of the downstream processing in the ethanol production from lignocellulosic biomass with ASPEN PLUS and IPSE ProKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2013
12Lassmann, Tino ; Kravanja, Philipp ; Friedl, Anton Downstream Prozess in der Bioethanol Produktion aus lignozellulosehaltigen RohstoffenPräsentation Presentation2012
13Lassmann, Tino ; Kravanja, Philipp ; Friedl, Anton Downstream Prozess in der Bioethanol Produktion aus lignozellulosehaltigen RohstoffenArtikel Article2012
14Lassmann, Tino ; Kravanja, Philipp ; Friedl, Anton Prozesssimulation der Produktion von Ethanol und Methan aus lignocellulosehaltigen RohstoffenArtikel Article2011