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Götzinger, G

Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Schlesinger, Robert ; Götzinger, G ; Sixta, Herbert ; Friedl, Anton ; Harasek, Michael Evaluation of alkali resistant nanofiltration membranes for the separation of hemicellulose from concentrated alkaline process liquorsArtikel Article2006
2Schlesinger, Robert ; Röder, T. ; Götzinger, G ; Sixta, Herbert ; Harasek, Michael ; Friedl, Anton Influence of hemicellulose aggregate and gel layer formation on flux and retention during nanofiltration of alkaline solutionsArtikel Article2005
3Schlesinger, Robert ; Götzinger, G ; Sixta, Herbert ; Friedl, Anton ; Harasek, Michael Evaluation of alkali resistent nanofiltration membranes for the separation of hemicellulose from concentrated alkaline process liquorsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2005
4Schlesinger, Robert ; Röder, T. ; Götzinger, G ; Harasek, Michael ; Friedl, Anton ; Sixta, Herbert ; Weber, Hedda Hemicellulose fouling behaviour during nanofiltration of press liquorArtikel Article2004