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Garcia, A.

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1Perez-Mato, J.M. ; Blaha, Peter ; Schwarz, Karlheinz ; Aroyo, M. ; Orobengoa, D. ; Etxebarria, I ; Garcia, A. Multiple instabilities in Bi₄Ti₃O₁₂: A ferroelectric beyond the soft-mode paradigmArtikel Article2008
2Perez-Mato, J.M. ; Blaha, Peter ; Aroyo, M. ; Garcia, A. ; Schwarz, Karlheinz Complex structural instabilities in ferroelectrics: soft modes and beyondKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2006
3Etxebarria, I ; Perez-Mato, J.M. ; Garcia, A. ; Blaha, Peter ; Schwarz, Karlheinz ; Rodriguez-Carvajal, Juan Comparison of empirical bond-valence and first-principles energy calculations for a complex structural instabilityArtikel Article2005