Full name Familienname, Vorname
Zachhuber, Bernhard
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

Results 1-20 of 28 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Gasser, Christoph ; Chrysostom, Engelene t. H. ; Zachhuber, Bernhard ; Lendl, Bernhard Stand-off SORS: Spatial Offset Raman SpectroscopyKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2014
2Zachhuber, Bernhard ; Carrillo-Carrión, Carolina ; Simonet Suau, Bartolomé M. ; Lendl, Bernhard Quantification of DNT isomers by capillary liquid chromatography using at-line SERS detection or multivariate analysis of SERS spectra of DNT isomer mixturesArtikel Article2012
3Chrysostom, Engelene t. H. ; Zachhuber, Bernhard ; Ramer, Georg ; Lendl, Bernhard Messung mit Abstand: Stand-off-RamanspektroskopieArtikel Article2012
4Zachhuber, Bernhard ; Gasser, Christoph ; Ramer, Georg ; Chrysostom, Engelene t. H. ; Lendl, Bernhard Depth profiling for the identification of unknown substances and concealed content at remote distances using time-resolved stand-off Raman spectroscopyArtikel Article2012
5Steinhauser, Georg ; Giester, Gerald ; Wagner, Christoph ; Weinberger, Peter ; Zachhuber, Bernhard ; Ramer, Georg ; Villa, Mario ; Lendl, Bernhard Nitrogen-rich Compounds of the Actinoids: Dioxouranium(VI) 5,5′- Azobis[tetrazolide] Pentahydrate and Its Unusually Small Uranyl AngleArtikel Article2012
6Koch, Cosima ; Zachhuber, Bernhard ; Lendl, Bernhard Innovative Sensing Strategies based on Vibrational Spectroscopy for Explosive Detection and (Bio)process MonitoringPräsentation Presentation2012
7Zachhuber Bernhard - 2012 - Stand-off Raman spectroscopy for the detection of...pdf.jpgZachhuber, Bernhard Stand-off Raman spectroscopy for the detection of explosivesThesis Hochschulschrift 2012
8Zachhuber, Bernhard ; Ramer, Georg ; Hobro, Alison ; Chrysostom, Engelene t. H. ; Lendl, Bernhard Stand-off Raman spectroscopy: a powerful technique for qualitative and quantitative analysis of inorganic and organic compounds including explosivesArtikel Article2011
9Zachhuber, Bernhard ; Ramer, Georg ; Gasser, Christoph ; Hobro, Alison ; Lendl, Bernhard Stand-off Raman Spectroscopy - Chemical Detection from the Distance including Explosives and Substances in non-transparent BottlesPräsentation Presentation2011
10Zachhuber, Bernhard ; Gasser, Christoph ; Chrysostom, Engelene t.H. ; Lendl, Bernhard Stand-Off Spatial Offset Raman Spectroscopy for the Detection of Concealed Content in Distant ObjectsArtikel Article2011
11Hobro, Alison ; Zachhuber, Bernhard ; Lendl, Bernhard Towards Stand-Off Resonance Raman SpectroscopyPräsentation Presentation2010
12Zachhuber, Bernhard ; Alcudia-Leon, Maria del Carmen ; Ramer, Georg ; Lendl, Bernhard Quantitative Stand-Off Raman ScatteringPräsentation Presentation2010
13Brandstetter, Markus ; Koch, Cosima ; Zachhuber, Bernhard ; Radel, Stefan ; Schnöller, Johannes ; Gröschl, Martin ; Lendl, Bernhard Ultrasonic particle manipulation for mid-infrared spectroscopy of suspensionsPräsentation Presentation2010
14Zachhuber, Bernhard ; Ramer, Georg ; Hobro, Alison ; Lendl, Bernhard Stand-off Raman Spectroscopy of ExplosivesKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010
15Hobro, Alison ; Zachhuber, Bernhard ; Lendl, Bernhard OPTIX: Optical Technologies for the Identification of ExplosivesKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010
16Hobro, Alison ; Zachhuber, Bernhard ; Lendl, Bernhard OPTIX: Optical Technologies for the Identification of EplosivesPräsentation Presentation2009
17Hobro, Alison ; Zachhuber, Bernhard ; Lendl, Bernhard OPTIX Optical Technologies for the Identification of ExplosivesPräsentation Presentation2009
18Lumpi, Daniel ; Braunshier, Christian ; Hametner, Christian ; Horkel, Ernst ; Zachhuber, Bernhard ; Lendl, Bernhard ; Fröhlich, Johannes Convenient multigram synthesis of monodisperse oligo(ethylene glycols): effective reaction monitoring by infrared spectroscopy using an attenuated total reflection fibre optic probeArtikel Article2009
19Lumpi, Daniel ; Braunshier, Christian ; Hametner, Christian ; Horkel, Ernst ; Zachhuber, Bernhard ; Lendl, Bernhard Progress in Inline Reaction Monitoring by ATR-IR-Sensor Spectroscopy Demonstrated on Synthesis of Monodisperse Oligo(ethylene glycols)Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2009
20Zachhuber, Bernhard ; Kuligowski, Julia ; Tomischko, Wolfgang ; Lendl, Bernhard SIMULTANEOUS USE OF TWO QCLs FOR ON-LINE MID-IR DETECTION WITH HPLC FOR WINE ANALYSISPräsentation Presentation2009