Full name Familienname, Vorname
Choi, Joong Il
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

Results 1-20 of 36 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Lackner, Peter ; Choi, Joong Il Jake ; Diebold, Ulrike ; Schmid, Michael Substoichiometric ultrathin zirconia films cause strong metal-support interactionArtikel Article 2019
2Lackner, Peter ; Zou, Zhiyu ; Mayr, Sabrina ; Choi, Joong-Il Jake ; Diebold, Ulrike ; Schmid, Michael Surface structures of ZrO₂ films on Rh(111): From two layers to bulk terminationArtikel Article 2019
3Lackner, Peter ; Hulva, Jan ; Köck, Eva-Maria ; Mayr-Schmölzer, Wernfried ; Choi, Joong Il J. ; Penner, Simon ; Diebold, Ulrike ; Mittendorfer, Florian ; Redinger, Josef ; Klötzer, Bernhard ; Parkinson, Gareth S. ; Schmid, Michael Water adsorption at zirconia: from the ZrO₂(111)/Pt₃Zr(0001) model system to powder samplesArtikel Article 2018
4Lackner, Peter ; Choi, Joong-Il Jake ; Diebold, Ulrike ; Schmid, Michael Wetting and dewetting of metals by sputter-deposited zirconiaPräsentation Presentation2017
5Lackner, Peter ; Choi, Joong-Il Jake ; Diebold, Ulrike ; Schmid, Michael A novel SMSI mechanism driving the creation of ultra-thin zirconia (ZrO₂) layersPräsentation Presentation2017
6Lackner, Peter ; Choi, Joong Il Jake ; Diebold, Ulrike ; Schmid, Michael Construction and evaluation of an ultrahigh-vacuum-compatible sputter deposition sourceArtikel Article 2017
7Lackner, Peter ; Kowalczyk, D. ; Choi, Joong-Il Jake ; Diebold, Ulrike ; Schmid, Michael The Influence of the Substrate on Zirconia Thin Films; PosterPräsentation Presentation2016
8Lackner, Peter ; Choi, Joong-Il Jake ; Diebold, Ulrike ; Schmid, Michael STM-Studies on Insulating Oxides: Zirconia Thin Films on Rh(111)Präsentation Presentation2016
9Choi, Joong Il Studies of zirconia surfaces on the atomic scaleThesis Hochschulschrift2016
10Choi, Joong-Il Jake Ultrathin ZrO₂: surface structure is decisive for oxide propertiesPräsentation Presentation2016
11Li, Hao ; Mayr-Schmölzer, Wernfried ; Choi, Joong-Il Jake ; Rameshan, Christoph ; Mittendorfer, Florian ; Schmid, Michael ; Redinger, Josef ; Rupprechter, Günther Model catalysts for reforming reactions: water interaction with ultrathin films of zirconium oxideKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2016
12Li, Hao ; Mayr-Schmölzer, Wernfried ; Choi, Joong-Il Jake ; Rameshan, Christoph ; Mittendorfer, Florian ; Schmid, Michael ; Redinger, Josef ; Rupprechter, Günther Model catalysts for reforming reactions: water interaction with ultrathin films of zirconium oxideKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2016
13Choi, Joong Il Jake ; Mayr-Schmölzer, Wernfried ; Valenti, Ilaria ; Luches, Paola ; Mittendorfer, Florian ; Redinger, Josef ; Diebold, Ulrike ; Schmid, Michael Metal Adatoms and Clusters on Ultrathin Zirconia FilmsArtikel Article 2016
14Choi, Joong-Il Jake ; Mayr-Schmölzer, Wernfried ; Mittendorfer, Florian ; Redinger, Josef ; Diebold, Ulrike ; Schmid, Michael Surface Structure is Decisive for an Oxide's PropertiesPräsentation Presentation2015
15Choi, Joong-Il Jake ; Diebold, Ulrike ; Schmid, Michael SMSI in inverse model catalysts: ZrO₂ on Pt and RhPräsentation Presentation2015
16Choi, Joong-Il Jake ; Diebold, Ulrike ; Schmid, Michael Sputter-damaged and sputter-deposited zirconia filmPräsentation Presentation2015
17Lackner, Peter ; Choi, Joong-Il Jake ; Diebold, Ulrike ; Schmid, Michael Construction and characterization of a revised ZrO₂ sputter sourcePräsentation Presentation2015
18Lackner, Peter ; Choi, Joong-Il Jake ; Diebold, Ulrike ; Schmid, Michael Sputter-deposited ZrO₂ films: an STM viewPräsentation Presentation2015
19Choi, Joong-Il Jake ; Diebold, Ulrike ; Schmid, Michael SMSI in inverse model catalysts: ZrO₂ on Pt and RhPräsentation Presentation2015
20Li, Hao ; Choi, Joong-Il Jake ; Mayr-Schmölzer, Wernfried ; Weilach, Christian ; Rameshan, Christoph ; Mittendorfer, Florian ; Redinger, Josef ; Schmid, Michael ; Rupprechter, Günther The growth of an ultrathin zirconia film on Pt3Zr examined by-HR-XPS, TPD, STM and DFTArtikel Article 2015