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Auinger, Michael
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Results 1-20 of 50 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

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1Auinger-2023-International Journal of Hydrogen Energy-vor.pdf.jpgAuinger, Michael ; Büchler, Markus ; Schöneich, Hanns-Georg ; Gierl-Mayer, Christian ; Danninger, Herbert Hydrogen accumulation and diffusion in cylindrical-shaped pipeline steels with coating defectsArticle Artikel 30-Oct-2023
2Selmani-2023-Nanomaterials-vor.pdf.jpgSelmani, Atida ; Jeitler, Ramona ; Auinger, Michael ; Tetyczka, Carolin ; Banzer, Peter ; Kantor, Brian ; Leitinger, Gerd ; Roblegg, Eva Investigation of the Influence of Wound-Treatment-Relevant Buffer Systems on the Colloidal and Optical Properties of Gold NanoparticlesArticle Artikel 2-Jun-2023
3Steinhorst-2023-Journal of Applied Electrochemistry-vor.pdf.jpgSteinhorst, Maximilian ; Auinger, Michael ; Roch, Teja ; Leyens, Christoph Modelling and corrosion of coated stainless steel substrates for bipolar plates at different temperaturesArticle Artikel 2023
4Auinger, Michael Selective Oxidation by Experiment and SimulationPresentation Vortrag6-Dec-2022
5Stepan, Thomas ; Tété, Lisa ; Laundry-Mottiar, Lila ; Romanovskaia, Elena ; Hedberg, Yolanda S. ; Danninger, Herbert ; Auinger, Michael Effect of nanoparticle size on the near-surface pH-distribution in aqueous and carbonate buffered solutionsArtikel Article 2022
6Mohan, Anand ; Ceglarek, Dariusz ; Auinger, Michael Effect of beam oscillation on the fluid flow during laser weldingKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2022
7Oßkopp, Marvin ; Löwe, Armin ; Lobo, Carlos M.S. ; Baranyai, Sebastian ; Khoza, Thulile ; Auinger, Michael ; Klemm, Elias Producing formic acid at low pH values by electrochemical CO2 reductionArtikel Article 2022
8Santillana, Begona ; Hechu, Kateryna ; SenGupta, Arunava ; Auinger, Michael Correlation between lab-scale wedge mould castings and slab samples, a method for new alloy developmentArtikel Article 2022
9Romanovskaia, Elena ; Slovenský, Peter ; Kalantarian, S. Marzieh ; Laundry-Mottiar, Lila ; Romanovski, Valentin ; Halama, Maroš ; Auinger, Michael ; Hedberg, Yolanda S. Electrochemical Estimations of the Gold Nanoparticle Size Effect on Cysteine-Gold OxidationArtikel Article 2022
10Karimi, Aurash ; Auinger, Michael Nitrogen diffusion in vacancy-rich ferrite and austenite, from first principles to applicationsArtikel Article 2021
11Praig, Vera Gertraud ; Schintlmeister, Arno ; Auinger, Michael ; Danninger, Herbert ; Stöger-Pollach, Michael High-resolution topochemical analysis and thermochemical simulations of oxides and nitrides at grain boundaries and within the grains of a low alloy Mn-Cr hot-rolled steel sheetArtikel Article 2021
12SenGupta, Arunava ; Santillana, Begoña ; Sridhar, Seetharaman ; Auinger, Michael A Multiscale-Based Approach to Understand Dendrite Deflection in Continuously Cast Steel Slab SamplesArtikel Article 2021
13Höfler, Thomas ; Linder, Bernhard ; Angeli, Gerhard ; Gierl-Mayer, Christian ; Danninger, Herbert ; Auinger, Michael Internal oxidation and formation of Si/Al-enriched oxide bands in the scale of electrical steel gradesArtikel Article 2021
14Legkovskis, Marks ; Thomas, Peter J. ; Auinger, Michael Uncertainty quantification of time-dependent quantities in a system with adjustable level of smoothnessArtikel Article2021
15Dasgupta, Soumyadeep ; Saleem, Sooraj ; Srirangam, Prakash ; Auinger, Michael ; Roy, Gour G. A Computational Study on the Reduction Behavior of Iron Ore/Carbon Composite Pellets in Both Single and Multi-layer Bed Rotary Hearth FurnaceArtikel Article 2020
16Karimi, Aurash ; Auinger, Michael Thermodynamics of the iron-nitrogen system with vacancies. From first principles to applicationsArtikel Article 2020
17SenGupta, A. ; Santillana, B. ; Sridhar, S. ; Auinger, M. Dendrite growth direction measurements: understanding the solute advancement in continuous casting of steelKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2019
18SenGupta, Arunava ; Santillana, Begoña ; Sridhar, Seetharaman ; Auinger, Michael Time-dependent effect of fluid flow on dendrite bending in binary Fe-C alloy using Phase-Field method in OpenFOAMArtikel Article 2019
19Höfler, Thomas ; Auinger, Michael ; Linder, Bernhard ; Angeli, Gerhard ; Danninger, Herbert Analysing and modeling high temperature oxidation of steel slabs during reheatingKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2019
20Auinger, Michael Reactions of hydrogen & oxygen in and with metals : a general approach to model thermodynamics & element transport in non-ideal systemsThesis Hochschulschrift2018