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Futter, Livia Maria

Results 1-5 of 5 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Gföhler, Margit ; Janeczek, Christoph ; Karabegovic, Alen ; Futter, Livia ; Harasek, Michael ; Haddadi, Bahram ; Jordan, Christian ; Krenn, Claus G. ; Neudl, Susanna ; Ullrich, Roman Intracorporeal Membrane Catheter for CO2 Reduction in the Blood - Drive Unit and Control SystemKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2017
2Harasek, Michael ; Haddadi, Bahram ; Jordan, Christian ; Halmschlager, Verena ; Gföhler, Margit ; Janeczek, Christoph ; Karabegovic, Alen ; Futter, Livia ; Krenn, Claus-Georg ; Neudl, Susanna ; Ullrich, Robert Intracorporeal Membrane Catheter for CO₂ Reduction in a Blood-Membrane ContactorPräsentation Presentation2017
3Harasek, Michael ; Haddadi, Bahram ; Jordan, Christian ; Gföhler, Margit ; Janeczek, Christoph ; Karabegovic, Alen ; Futter, Livia ; Krenn, Claus-Georg ; Neudl, Susanna ; Ullrich, Robert Intracorporeal Membrane Catheter for CO₂ Reduction in a Blood-Membrane ContactorArtikel Article 2017
4Futter, Livia Development of a membrane for an intravenous carbon dioxide removal catheterThesis Hochschulschrift2016
5Janeczek, Christoph ; Futter, Livia ; Neudl, Susanna ; Karabegovic, Alen ; Suszek, Roksana ; Harasek, Michael ; Ullrich, Roman ; Krenn, Claus G. ; Gföhler, Margit Test circuit for quantification of gas exchange between blood and a sweep fluid in an intravascular membrane catheterKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2016